Addon ID

  • StraniAnelli_HTMLElement



  • Download count3,008 total downloads
  • Latest download count 600 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count2 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    Toggle Visible

    Toggle whether the object is hidden or shown.

    Set {0}

    Set whether the object is hidden or shown.

    Set opacity to {0}

    Set how transparent the object appears.

  • Conditions

    Is visible

    Test if the object is currently visible.

    Opacity {0} {1}

    Compare the object's current opacity.

  • Expressions


    Get the object's current opacity, from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).


  • Actions

    Set text to {0}

    Set the text of this object.

    Append {0}

    Add text to the end of the existing text.

  • Conditions

    Has text

    Test if the object has text.

    Text is {0} ({1})

    Compare the text in this object.

  • Expressions


    Get the object's text.


    Get the object's inner HTML.


  • Actions

    Set position to ({0} , {1})

    Set the object's X and Y co-ordinates at the same time.

    Set X to {0}

    Set the object's X co-ordinate.

    Set Y to {0}

    Set the object's Y co-ordinate.

    Set size to ({0} , {1})

    Set the object's width and height at the same time.

    Set height to {0}

    Set the object's height.

    Set width to {0}

    Set the object's width.

  • Conditions

    Width {0} {1}

    Compare the width to a value.

    Height {0} {1}

    Compare the height to a value.

    X {0} {1}

    Compare the X co-ordinate to a value.

    Y {0} {1}

    Compare the Y co-ordinate to a value.

  • Expressions


    Get the object's X co-ordinate, in pixels.


    Get the object's Y co-ordinate, in pixels.


    Get the object's width, in pixels


    Get the object's height, in pixels.


  • Actions

    Set angle to {0} degrees

    Set the angle the object is oriented at.

    Rotate {0} degrees clockwise

    Rotate the object's angle clockwise by a number of degrees.

    Rotate {0} degrees counter-clockwise

    Rotate the object's angle counter-clockwise by a number of degrees.

  • Conditions

    Is between {0} and {1} degrees

    if the object's angle is between two angles.

  • Expressions


    Get the object's current angle, in degrees.


    Get the object's current angle, in radians.


  • Actions

    Set transform-origin to {0} {1}

    Set the origin for the element's transformations.

    Set transform-origin vertical to {0}

    Set the vertical origin for the element's transformations.

    Set transform-origin horizontal to {0}

    Set the horizontal origin for the element's transformations.

  • Conditions

    Vertical origin transform is {0}

    Compare the vertical origin transform.

    Horizontal origin transform is {0}

    Compare the horizontal origin transform.

  • Expressions


    Get the vertical origin for the element's transformations.


    Get the horizontal origin for the element's transformations.


  • Actions

    Add class {0}

    Add specified class values.

    Remove class {0}

    Remove specified class values.

    Toggle class {0}

    Toggle class value: if class exists then remove it, if not then add it.

    Replace class {0} with class {1}

    Replaces an existing class with a new class.

    Set style {0}

    Set a CSS style on the element.

  • Conditions

    Has Class '{0}'

    Checks whether html element is assigned to the given class.

    Has style '{0}' defined

    Checks whether html element has a syle defined.

    Has Style '{0}':'{1}'

    Compare the style to a value.

  • Expressions


    Get the classes of the given element (like a string).


    Return 1 if the class exists, 0 if not.


    Return the element's style.


  • Expressions


    Return the value of the element.


    Return the value of an attribute.


    Return the value of the element (query selector).


    Return the value of an attribute (query selector).


    Return the check status of the element.


    Return the check status of the element (query selector).


    Return the value of a radio element.


  • Actions

    Add attribute {0}:{1}

    Sets the value of an attribute on the specified element.

    Remove attribute {0}

    Removes the attribute with the specified name from the element.

    Change attribute {0} to {1}

    Updates the value of an attribute on the specified element.

    Set ID to: {0}

    Set the ID of the element.

  • Conditions

    Has ID

    Checks whether html element has the ID defined.

    Is Checked

    Checks if the element is checked or not..

    ID is '{0}'

    Checks whether html element has the the given ID.

    TAG is '{0}'

    Checks whether html element has the the given TAG.

    Has attribute: '{0}'

    Checks whether html element has the the given attribute.

    Value is {0} '{1}'

    Checks whether html element has the the given value.

    {0} {1} {2}

    Checks whether attribute has the the given value.

    Input radio '{0}' {1} '{2}'

    Checks whether attribute has the the given value.

    Value is {0} '{1}'

    Checks whether html element has the the given value.

    {0} {1} {2}

    Checks whether attribute has the the given value.

    Input radio '{0}' {1} '{2}'

    Checks whether attribute has the the given value.

  • Expressions


    Return the ID of the element.


    Return the UID of the element.


    Return the tag name of the element.


    Return the value of a specified attribute on the element.


    Return the value of the element.


    Return the value of one radio element.


    Return 1 if the element is checked, 0 if not.


  • Expressions


    Get the last event registered.


    Get the type of the last event registered.


    Get the last event registered.

EVENT (Mouse)

  • Conditions

    On Click

    A pointing device button (ANY button; soon to be primary button only) has been pressed and released on the element.

    On Double Click

    A pointing device button is clicked twice on the element.

    On Context Menu (right click)

    The right button of the mouse is clicked (before the context menu is displayed).

    On Aux Click

    A pointing device button (ANY non-primary button) has been pressed and released on the element.

    On Wheel

    A wheel button of a pointing device is rotated in any direction.

    On Mouse Over

    A pointing device is moved onto the element that has the listener attached or onto one of its children.

    On Mouse Out

    A pointing device is moved off the element that has the listener attached or off one of its children.

    On Mouse Down

    A pointing device button is pressed on an element.

    On Mouse Up

    A pointing device button is released over an element.

    On Mouse Enter

    A pointing device is moved onto the element that has the listener attached.

    On Mouse Leave

    A pointing device is moved off the element that has the listener attached.

    On Mouse Move

    A pointing device is moved over an element. (Fired continously as the mouse moves.)

    On Select

    Some text is being selected.

EVENT (Focus)

  • Conditions

    On Focus

    An element has received focus (does not bubble).

    On Blur

    An element has lost focus (does not bubble).

EVENT (Keyboard)

  • Conditions

    On Key Down

    ANY key is pressed.

    On Key Press

    ANY key except Shift, Fn, CapsLock is in pressed position. (Fired continously.).

    On Key Up

    ANY key is released.

EVENT (ValueChange)

  • Conditions

    On Checkbox state change

    The CheckboxStateChange event is executed when the state of a element has changed.

    On Input

    The DOM input event is fired synchronously when the value of an ,