OpenAI Plugin Suite

Integrates OpenAI API (GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Whisper, DALL-E) with Construct 3

Integrates OpenAI API (GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Whisper, DALL-E) with Construct 3

OpenAI Plugin Suite

  • $28 USD

    Royalty Free use in unlimited commercial greater creative works.

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    Released: 20 May, 2023

    Ability to stream responses on the OpenAI_Chat plugin only, for regular and proxy requests. New condition called 'On stream end' that is triggered when the OpenAI streamed response is complete. New Chat_Example_Extended_Download, an extended version of Chat with the ability to download the chat as a .txt file. New Chat_Example_Stream, which provides an example of how to use the new 'stream' feature. New PHP file to be used with the latest version of the OpenAI_Chat_V1014 plugin.


    Released: 4 May, 2023

    Released: 21 Apr, 2023

    OpenAI Plugin Suite UPDATE -This update includes a new action, "Make Proxy Request," for all plugins. -With this action, you can make an OpenAI API call without revealing your secret API key by using a proxy site to make the call on behalf of the client. -Instructions for setting this up are available in the plugin documentation.


    Released: 12 Apr, 2023

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OpenAI Plugin Suite features:

  • Dall-E (Generations, Edits and Variations endpoints)
  • Chat completion (models: GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4)
  • Completions (models: text-davinci-003, text-davinci-002, text-curie-001, text-babbage-001, text-ada-001, davinci, curie, babbage, ada)
  • Speech to text (model: whisper-1)
  • Ability to hide API key from request using a proxy site

OpenAI Plugin Suite

Introducing the OpenAI Plugin Suite - a powerful set of 5 plugins that integrate the OpenAI API with Construct 3's event system. Build custom chatbots, generate dynamic content, and develop virtual assistants easily with just a few events.

OpenAI Plugin Suite includes 5 plugins:

1. OpenAI_Chat_Completions

Requests the OpenAI chat completion endpoint

Ideal for single completions without memory of previous prompts

Models available: GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4

2. OpenAI_Completions

Requests the OpenAI completion endpoint

Suitable for single completions without memory of previous prompts

Models available: text-davinci-003, text-davinci-002, text-curie-001, text-babbage-001, text-ada-001, davinci, curie, babbage, ada

3. OpenAI_Chat

Requests the OpenAI chat completion endpoint with memory of the entire conversation

Perfect for chatbot development, conversational AI, and virtual assistants

Models available: GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4

4. OpenAI_Whisper

Requests the OpenAI speech to text API, transcriptions, and translations endpoints

Transcribes audio into the language spoken in the audio

Translates and transcribes the audio into English

Model available: whisper-1


Image creation

Image Edits

Image Variation

Note: OpenAI Plugin Suite requires an OpenAI API key and incurs costs for each API call made. Users are responsible for obtaining a valid API key and understanding the associated costs before using the plugins. The GPT-4 model is only available to users with access to it.

kingpirux's avatar
5 months ago

it works

it would be awesome to have the tunning values at hand, but for most cases it is a very complete suite, you can try everything to make a quick estimate for costs and then make more detailed implementa...

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cesisco's avatar

Response from seller

5 months ago

Thank you for the purchase!

I don’t know what you mean by 'having the tuning values at hand,' but if you are referring to a Fine-Tune feature, please contact me regarding that or any other matter through the support email.

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    Construct 3
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  • Latest Version
  • Latest Release Date
    20 May, 2023
  • Support

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