tarik00555's Forum Posts

    Ima li gdje tutorijal da naucim kako da vam jebem svima mater. Pederi jedni sugavi. Jebo vas Construct 2. Haj me banuj te jebo vas bog u supak. Picke ste najvece. Ne mozete naucit nesto normalno nego ovo samo znate. Da bog da svi umrli.

    Ukratko, banuj te me....

  • Is this valid:

    if Function.Call() == someValue then ...

  • Use the distance function to check. If distance(Spawn.X, Spawn.Y, Player.X, Player.Y) <= MIN_ALLOWED_DISTANCE then spawn. Just experiment with MIN_ALLOWED_DISTANCE a little.

  • First of all, please accept my condolonces for your mother. I recommend making a new object called something like "Intro". Put 4 frames in the default animation and set the animation speed to 0. Then, in the events put a new event On object cliked and select the Intro object. In the action select the Set frame action under the Intro object. Set the frame to Intro.CurrentFrame(might be called something similiar) + 1. Under the On object clicked event add a new one as a sub event. In this event check if the current frame is greater than Intro.AnimAtionFrameCount. If it is advance to the next layout(the first level). Also, I forgot to mention to put this Intro object in a layout of its own. When the player selects Start game go to this layout.

  • Make to local variables and make them static. Name them something like PosX and PosY. Set PosX to 200 and PosY to 70. Create your object at PosX, PosY location, then add 100 to PosX and PosY.

  • Since you already done the work just make sure the origins are in the same place in all animation frames and that the collision boxes are all the same size. However, I recommend that yyou seperate this in the future. In my opinoon it just makes more sense and it ends up easier to work with in the future.

  • I was wondering if containers are seperate so I can go like:



    If I pick Object3 will Object1 be picked as well?

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  • I recommend doing this outside of Construct 2. Using pure HTML you can just make images that are links so when a user clicks on an image go to game1/index.html, on the second image go to game2/index.html and so on. The index file is the file that is created when you export as HTML5 website. I never worked directly with HTML5 so I'm afraid I can't give ou an example.

  • Well, if your player has different animations like Stand, Walk, Jump, you can make it so the player has Skin1_Stand, Skin1_Walk, Skin1_Jump, Skin2_Stand, Skin2_Walk, ... Just do this for as many skins as you have. Make a new instance variable for the player called something like Skin. Then when the player reaches certain score set the Skin instance variable to equal Skin1, Skin2 or how many skins you have. When playing player animations you just need to put Player.Skin (the variable) & "_Stand" and so on.

  • Try removing the else, as it messes up what object is picked. Other than that I can't see anything wrong with the event

  • Assuming you're making a platformer or a side scroller game, just compare character's x coordinate with the x coordinate of the mouse. If your character is facing right by default, then if the x of the mouse is less than character's x you mirror the character and if it isn't less then stop mirroring

  • You should use the scroll to behaviour. Also the layout size has to be smaller than the window size.

  • There are, as always, multiple ways of doing this. My first idea is to have an instance variable on the player called something like "PowerUp" and the timer behaviour. When the player collides with the wrench set the PowerUp to "_Wrench"(you can do it without the underscore). Start the timer and make it last 10 seconds and put a tag to something like "power_up". Now, for your animations, whenever you player any animation make it so it plays "Idle" & Tails.PowerUp, "Jump" & Tails.PowerUp, and so on. Since the PowerUp variable will be an empty string in the beginning it will play just "Idle", "Jump", etc. When you collect the wrench it will begin playing "IdleWrench", "JumpWrench", etc. You have to remember to make these animations.

    The last thing is to add an event On timer and make it so when the timer expires(the "power_up" one), just set the Tails.PowerUp to ""(this is an empty string).

    This can also work even better with families, if you want me to further explain how incorporating families will make the code more streamlined and make it so adding new power ups is easy feel free to ask(I don't have time to do so now ).

    I assumed that Tails is the player in the later part.

  • The event 18 has to be a sub event to the event 17 if you want to check every created map_square.

  • When the object is centered on object 2 stop applying force and set the position to it to be exact. There is the event set position to another object. It's shaking because when it moves to the center to the other object it overshoots it a little so it moves back and forth constantly.