SkyLionGames's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
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  • LittleStain That was unnecessary, I just wanted to know how load maps by their name that were saved in the array, that's all.

    korbaach I really appreciate all your help and thank you for the Capx.

  • korbaach I don't understand how to load and retrieve data with arrays because what I have learned from a youtube video is that whenever you "pop" a value from the x or Y axis the Array changes its X or Y size. On top of that, I'm new to construct 2 and programming in general. So I don't know if there is another way to create maps/levels without having to create a bunch of layouts.

    The other confusing is part is overwriting existing data. Whenever I wanted to delete/add new tiles to an existing map the array will create a new map. But that's not a big problem because I can always load a map by it's name and not load the unwanted maps (don't know if this will affect the vRAM memory?). Which I don't know how to do, but I know you know how lol.

  • korbaach Thank you! it works perfectly, but is there a way I can load a map by its name without using the list object?

    Example, Player on collision with enemy => load map level28

  • Is there a way I can make a map editor without using tilemap? whenever I create a sprite, I want it to snap into a grid of 32x32, similar to the tilemap sprite.

    Also how can save and load this maps by their name by using local storage?

    https:// dropbox. com/s/dqcna3fv41obefz/visualex.png?dl=0

  • Ribis

    I don't want to use arrays because arrays are confusing. I tried learning arrays from tutorials and youtube, but every single time I can't get them to work properly or I get different results.

    For example, I watched this video on youtube:

    https:// (addyoutubehere).com/watch?v=TolEm2EXWPE

    On 6:50 notice how the array was printing catdog together and then catdoghouse, etc. Well my array was printing one word at a time e.g cat dog house instead of cat catdog catdoghouse.

    Here is a capx of my array example:

    https:// (adddropboxhere).com/s/qblc3au0k7a55vy/arrayexample.capx?dl=0

    Please Note remove the spaces in the links! Sorry I'm not allowed to post links until I get 500 Rep!

  • arcab072081 Yes I did, but it layout overwrites the existing objects in the layout.

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  • 0Hayes Nice graphics!

  • I'm making a game where every universe is generated randomly. For example, lets say player is in universe A (universe layout), and the player lands on one of the planets in Universe A that the player has never been to. How would I randomly generate objects to the (Planet Layout) and save all the planets objects, positions, variables, in case the player decides to visit this planet again?

  • 9 posts