Skillasaurus's Forum Posts

  • I've been trying to figure out a way to create "BorderShadows" on rectangle 2d sprites. I don't know much about writing shaders, but I'm trying to accomplish something similar to this:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    (I took this picture from the internet of someone trying to do the same thing as me)...

    Notice how it is showing depth by casting shadows? I'm trying to do that without creating a bunch of sprites or lowering FPS alot. Thanks for any help you can give me or links or whatever. I've been at this for a while.

    If anyone is interested, I've been trying to work on this WebGL effect. It works good, but when I draw the RightBorder, it oversamples the TopBorder, making it look weird

    <font size="1">




    if(vTex.y>0.9 && vTex.y<1.0)


    front=vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)*front;


    if(vTex.y>0.8 && vTex.y<0.9)


    front=vec4(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0)*front;


    if(vTex.y>0.7 && vTex.y<0.8)


    front=vec4(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0)*front;



  • You should upload this test if you don't mind, I am very interested

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  • This seems cool but for those of us who have no idea how to use algorithms or are just bad at math, maybe you can provide a simple CapX demonstrating a simple use for this plugin? Maybe a simple tree generator would be awesome, if thats not too much work. I read the tutorial but am still confused. Maybe if you added some sprites and a useful event to demonstrate this plugin, it would be much more easy for a beginner like me to understand and find a use for it.


  • I'm using the Board plugin. The board size is set to 8x8. I'm trying to figure out how I can select all sprites connected to eachother and put them into groups? By connected I mean having a logic distance of 1.

    Say I these sprites at these logic X, Y positions on the board:

    Sprite1: 1,1

    Sprite2: 1,2

    Sprite3: 2,2

    Add Above Sprites to Group1

    Sprite4: 7,7

    Sprite5: 7,6

    Add Above Sprites to Group2

    Sprite6: 4, 4

    Don't add above sprite to any group because it is not connected to anything.

    And so on...

    Thanks for any help you can give me

  • You are awesome bro thank you. Testing now. Will edit this post later

  • There is no SetLX/SetLY. I could use Move I guess and it would be the same thing. My project has over 1000 Sprites on the screen at once updating and moving with custom physics using your Board and GridMove plugin. I try to avoid ForLoops with the Sprites as much as I can, but I would have to run it on all the sprites to find those attached to the Parent? I think it might lower performance but I will test it out when I get home. Still, if it is not too much work for you, a Logic Pin behavior would be very nice. It seems like it would not be too much work, but I don't know the SDK. Thanks for your help

  • If you still need that CapX let me know. I've been trying to figure out a solution but still no luck and now my project is at a stand still. I don't want to ditch the Board Plugin though it makes everything so easy but my game requires pin

  • I am no longer at my computer but when I get home I will create a sample real quick.But basicaly, all you have to do to reproduce the problem is this:

    Create board and add 2 Chess Sprites to it.

    Pin Chess1 to Chess2.

    Use GridMove to move Chess2.

    Both Chess will move correctly, but only Chess2 will update its LogicX and LogicY, making Chess1's logic position inaccurate anytime Chess2 moves, also rendering most of its Chess Events/Actions that are based on its LX and LY.

    You can probably figure out a better solution then I could, but I'll just throw these out there just incase, even if they seem like common sense.

    You can adapt the Board to detect a chess that is Pinned and update its LX and LY anytime its ParentUID changes. Or you can also add an action to update the Chess Logic position based on Physical position. Or add "Set LX/LY" actions in addition to "Move to LX/LY"

  • Yeah, but that kind of defeats the purpose of using the board. If I pin a Chess to another Chess, and the ParentChess GridMoves up, functions like "Can Move Up", "On Hit Target Position", etc, will not work right..hmm

  • I also just noticed Pin doesn't work with GridMove. The LX and LY do not update. Maybe you could add this as a feature or make it work in sync with Pin? Maybe I'm missing something though I'm sure there is a way to do it manualy I just don't know how to update or set a LX or LY without Moving it

  • I'm using the Board Plugin to randomly create block sprites on the Board. I'm trying to make it to where say if I move a block LEFT, it checks to see if it is blocked by any other sprites, and if there is a empty spot, it moves the Sprite and all the other sprites that are blocking it LEFT.

    To put it simply, I just need to be able to Push other blocks if there is space to do so. I've been trying to figure it out for a while with nested loops but I'm just reaching a brick wall everytime. Any suggestions or ideas of how to do this are appreciated


  • Im trying to figure out how to position sprites in a circular matter. So everytime I click it creates a sprite, and sets it to the correct position to continue the circle pattern. I just can't figure out how to find the position where the sprite needs to go to continue the circle and allow the circle to keep expanding to bigger sizes? I'm pretty bad at math, but I guess you could call it a algorithm? I'm not sure. Any help anyone can give me is appreciated. I made this pro text representation to hopefully explain better. Thanks!

    1st Click to 5th click:

    (ignore the periods, just there for placement. the X's represent sprites)










  • I searched the forums but couldn't figure this out. I might be using the wrong terms. I have a ForX=1to32 and ForY=1to32 event loop, and instead of performing the action every 1 step, I want it to perform the action every 4th step. Something like this:...

    Step1: X=0, Y=0 - Do action

    Step2: X=4, Y=4 - Do Action

    Step3: X=8, Y=8 - Do Action



  • Hey I noticed that most of the expressions such as 'request move', etc, don't work with CubeTx. Is this already known? Or maybe it is just me. I'm trying to make a Isometric Minecraft-like game with Blocks. Just like the sample you provided with CubeTx. I just don't know how to move the Blocks like I would with SquareTx..

    Also: I'm still figuring it out, but this is one of my favorite plugins and it saved me alot of time. So thanks for this and all the other great plugins that you made, which ammount to like 70% of those produced by the community! Your a beast

  • Say I have MainSprite1 and MainSprite2. They have the same size. They both have a "ShadowSprite" added to there Container which is put behind the MainSprite and pinned to it.

    I want to Left Click on a MainSprite, and make it create and 'stack' another MainSprite ontop of it, giving it a +1 ZIndez of the Clicked MainSprite, so that it appears on top of it.

    I've been trying to get the events correctly, but the path I was taking was really bad, and now I'm out of ideas. Any suggestions? Thanks