schueppe's Forum Posts

  • I will show hopefully soon, but I definitely want to add jumping/falling behavior before

  • Hi roguecore,

    first task: Jumping behavior/3D movement

    Then we'll see what's next!

  • Hi folks,

    wasn't able to work on anything C2 related for about half a year, but found some time last weekend to start working on an isometric engine:

    Short vid can be found here:

    I'm a big fan of Sega's Landstalker on Genesis and though I might give it a try. Hope I'll be able to put some time into it,

    Regards, schueppe

  • Neat, looks very promising!

    Just like in the good ol' days, glad I'm not the only one loving the retro engines!

  • Hey guys,

    as suggested I'm working on 3d movement/z-axis. This is really giving me a hard time. You can see my progress in this short video:

    While it may not seem too impressing I can really state this is so far the hardest part of my work. If you got any ideas on how to realize depth in a top down RPG, let me know!

  • Hi LaDestitute,

    well the capx is still work-in-progress and I'd like to work on that further, but if you got any questions regardings specific elements, just ask in this thread or send my a PM - if I can help in any way I'll be glad to do so.

    Regards, schueppe

  • mudmask: Thx, I hope it will be!

    MPPlantOfficial: Hey, I played that game a long time ago, too. It was created by some guys from the team that had worked on Landstalker for Genesis before - I love this game even more. Yeah, jumping mechanics would be cool. I have already been thinking about that but have not come up with a solution so far. I think the Z-axis is tricky, e.g. correctly detecting when the player jumps of a hill or something. But I'll try again to find a solution!

  • Thanks for the replies, guys.

    oosyrag: Hmm, combos or special moves might indeed by interesting. I guess the bottleneck for me and others will be to get the right animations for this (man, now I understand how hard the designers were working in those days), but it's definitely an neat idea. I'm e.g. thinking of the different moves in Enix' Terranigma or Segas Beyond Oasis. Gonna try that.

    HR78: Thx, yeah I hope with the right template this will make creating at least small Action RPGs easy (of course not a gigantic game like SoM )

  • Hi guys,

    I thought I'd use this opportunity to get some feedback on my current project.

    I'm working on an engine for retro-style action RPGs like on the 16 bit consoles - games like Zelda, Secret of Mana, Terranigma, Landstalker etc. So far the engine supports stuff like 8 direction movement (with only four different directions animated, just like in Zelda 3), battling and gaining XP from enemies, turning switches to open gates, pushing boxes for your typical puzzle solving, and loading dialogue from a text file.

    Here's some impressions (oh yeah, for graphics I used Seki's template and Fantasy RPG Tileset):


    Video: You can also watch a video on Youtube, framerate is a little bit low though due to my screencapturing software.


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    DEMO: I have now also put up a demo. It's the same as in the video, very short, but might offer a glimpse at how it's working so far. YOu can find it here (note: control with arrow keys and space bar, no touch so far):

    If you guys got any ideas what would be cool to see in a 16 bit sytle Action RPG, just drop a comment.

    Stuff I'm thinking about:

    • obviously: different weapons or spells
    • Bosses consisting of different sprites with "sweet spots" to hit
    • extra items or abilities

    The difficult thing, in my oppinion, is to integrate stuff like that while keeping it still lean and flexible. Well, we'll see where it goes.

    Regards, schueppe

  • Hi clockszy,

    glad you like it. I hope I'll be able to improve it further in the next couple of days and post a demo. Feedback will be very welcome.

    Regards, schueppe

  • Template for 16 bit style action RPGs I'm working on:

  • Hi,

    don't know if anyone's still interested, but actually I'm currently working on a template for retro-style action RPGs. You can find a video here:

    Captured it with snagit, framerate is a little bit sloppy. Used graphics from Seki's template and Fantasy RPG Tileset.

    I hope I'll manage to finish this someday.

    Regards, schueppe

  • Hey guys,

    thx for your posts!

    Bass_X: So far I have not released it on ios, damn XCode development I don't owe a Mac unfortunatelly and didn'T want to try these mac-in-cloud things, so currently I stick to Android. And you're right, the video is a little bit crappy, should upload a better one when I have some time.

    About my birthday: Hmm no I have not released it on my birthday

    iceangel: Hey, thanks

  • Hey fellas,

    this is my first C2 game that I created in my spare time. I used C2, CocoonJS (Physics and Ads) and different resources for assets, e.g. the music tunes you can buy on Scirra's web store.

    You can currently find it on Google Play (it's free of course):

    Here are some pics:


    Basically, all you have to do is create blobs and pile them up without having too many of'em fall into something that kills them. Once you beat a level's record, you can proceed to the next one (via menu button bottom left).

    Would be great if it managed to go beyond 100 downloads, so feel free to try and feedback

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  • Hi guys,

    I'm just a dedicated gamer and thus sometimes in my free time I'm working on little games myself. Used to work with Java years ago but now I realized using a software like Construct makes work a lot easier I'm always looking for goos resources on the web to buy graphics and other assets for games as I'm no designer or sound artist.

    Best Regards
