kinetic's Forum Posts

  • I think C2 is a very good tool for game creation as it currently is. Of course there are still bugs to correct and some funcionalities it could have, but at the end of the day it's a game development tool and gets the job done.

    To be honest C3 development idea at this point scares me a bit !

    I dunno the business strategy Scirra has and if C3 development is "the way" to reach other markets and platforms -therefore audiences - but if that is the case, there are plenty of options out there to maintain C2 and generate revenue out of it.

    I've worked with other engines and I've seen this path already. For instance:

    1-GARAGE GAMES: They made TORQUE GAME ENGINE then they made TORQUE 3D. TORQUE GAME ENGINE felt incomplete as new features were added to TORQUE 3D. I think TORQUE 3D was a full rewrite (not sure).

    2- THEGAMECREATORS: They made AGK 1 then they enhanced to AGK2 with crowdfunding a approache. The outcome...AGK 1 got updated to AGK 2 , AGK1 is still with issues and a new AGK2 is for sale with issues of its own as well...

    What I'm trying to say here is that an engine development cycle is a very complex process not to say maintaining 2 engines! Even if Scirra gets more work power to the team I don't see C3 any time soon and I'm seeing it all over bugs, new updates, etc.. and C2 being left behind with some things to address and left to oblivion.

    If Scirra really thinks that is not possible to provide new features (regarding game making) into C2 then I think at least they should clean this product and define a point were they close it's development cycle. In my point of view (note that I don't know anything about C2 inner works) it seems that C2 hasn't reached its full potencial regarding game creation and funcionalities.

    If Scirra just wants a new facelift and a new editor rewrite, well I think they could crowdfund it like THEGAMECREATORS did for their own editor. This is very different of rewriting an entire engine from scratch...

    Just my two cents.

    Regards !

  • Yes you are absolutly right Blackhornet..

    As a matter of fact I am using DragDrop behaviour but for some reason I made it harder then simplifying. I think its working as I havn't tested in a touch device..

    Thanks guys for your great help as always !

  • I see what you mean...

    I am using a combination of:

    If object A is overlaping object B and "Touch Is not touching A" (used an invert here) then position C at touch.X and touch.Y.

    Basically what I'm doing is draging an object to a target and releasing the mouse. If it's over the target then get the position where the mouse pointer was released.....but this with touch events.

    Anyway I might be doing something wrong here...dunno if inverting "Is Touching" works like not touching .. or releasing finger...

  • LittleStain.. I was writing at the same time you were..

    Well thats the issue, my project isnt beahving like that. When I use the Touch.X and Touch.Y and place the object x and y coordinates at those positions the object appears in the top left corner ... like it is deteting my mouse coordinates at 0,0 . (Im using the mouse but intend this to work on a tablet).

    Or Im doing something wrong or there is a bug in r178.

  • Maybe there is a reason ... dunno..!

    The reason I need this functionality is because I have to position an object in the screen on a certain position. Mouse.X and Mouse.Y are only detected for mouse clicks and Touch.X and Touch.Y for touch inputs so I need to find out at the initial layout if the user is using the mouse or touch and therefore specify the object position on screen to br retrieved from mouse or touch coordinates.

    Touch.X and Touch.Y should give the same coordinates that Mouse.X and if the Touch property of use mouse is enabled....

  • Hi guys !

    That's pretty much it...I need to change the TOUCH object property "User mouse input" from NO to YES and backwards programatically.

    I've search around pretty much but didn't find an answer.

    Can you help a newbie ?

    Thanks alot !

  • Thanks alot Magistross ! Going to check it out !!

  • Meanwhile I found this post:

    If one uses the 1st column as the index to order the it works by sorting X and if you wan't an highscore reversing the X axis.

    Anyway this works but I think Construct is a great and very well made product. This kind of matrix manipulation as I specified earlier should be native to Construct.... I guess in the form of queries would also be a great add-on for this kind of manipulation.


  • Hello guys !

    I already searched the forum for a direct answer and found alot of capx files with some algorihtms with FOR loops to "bubble sort" an array. Nevertheless I didn't find any straight answer...

    Imagine I have an ARRAY object with WIDTH=10 and HEIGHT=4.

    Assume that the 4 HEIGHT elements are my columns.

    Isn't there any function in Construct so I can order my ARRAY, regarding for instante the last HEIGHT element? (in this case assuming the elements are from 0 to 3 , I wan't to order by the last element with the index of 3).

    Example: "order by the column D - index element number 3 of Y elements of the array"

    Unordered ------Ordered

    A B C D-------------A B C D

    1 1 1 3--------------1 1 1 4

    2 2 2 2--------------1 1 1 3

    1 1 1 4--------------2 2 2 2

    If there was to be any SQL alike in Construct it would be something in this lines:

    "SELECT * FROM array_table ORDER BY column_with_index_3 DESC;" ... and assing the SELECT results to the same or another array.

    So any ideias how can I order this array ?

    Thank you very much guys !

    Best Regards.

  • Thanks ! It worked just fine. Cheers !

  • Thanks LittleStain ! You helped me !

    Best Regards !

  • Hello guys,

    I have set my layout eventsheet to move some object from A to B. Then it waits for 2 seconds and then it starts moving again until it's offscreen. (I'm using MOVETO plugin).

    The sheets is something like this

    SYSTEM | ON START OF LAYOUT | object_text | MoveTo move to (...middle of the screen)

    __________________________________| System | Wait 2 seconds

    __________________________________| object_text | MoveTo move to (... out of layout)

    I need to get a rectangle behind the object_text to increase it's opacity until the object_text as stooped then after those 2 seconds its starts decreasing the opacity again setting up to zero when the object_text is off screen.

    I'm new to Construct so please bare with me on this. I guess it must be a simple thing but all info in the forum searches I made didn't helped me.

    Thank you very much for your understanding and help !

    Best Regards.

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  • Hello guys, does anyone been able to create an effect of a magnifying glass over an image, like the one here:

    Is this possible within Construct ?

    Thanks !

  • Anyone would like to give me some feedback ?


  • Hi guys,

    I've searched the forum and over the web but didn't found any usefull information regarding the possibility of using Google Maps within a Construct 2 project.

    I may have to use google maps as a requirement for a project I'm working on. It's not a game but an online Glossary using swipe and dragable pages as most can see on alot of demos on javascript plataforms like JQUERY, HAMMER etc.

    I would like to ear from you if you have any sucessfull experience inserting a google map in Construct 2 canvas.

    Also I've searched the forum and found a post were Ashley states that JQUERY was probably going to be left aside from Construct 2 due to the fact of some compability issues with coocon.js and others I guess. Meanwhile I've seen on some post regarding Construct 2 v150 with JQUERY features.

    So my question remains... does Construct 2 allows one to use JQUERY inside of a project ? Ultimatly I want to have some logic to make ajax calls to a MYSQL database and use transtion effects like the ones used in HAMMER (Hammer).

    Thanks a lot for you answer !

    Best Regards!