IKnowMyStory's Forum Posts

  • I have encountered the same problem with my own project. I thought it was something wrong with my project causing the problem. However, I ran into the same issue while using a c3p project file which parses JSON file and displays the paths of each KEY and VALUE in the file. It is a simple project with two events. Click button to call Function and parse JSON file.

    I filed a bug report, but I believe it maybe a Browser problem when a file is saved and then reopened broken. I went through some of my backups, and it ate each one before I knew it what was happening. Just a guess on my part based on what I experienced. I used two different versions of C3, r192 was the first Failed followed by Crashing when clicking on a Layout to open it. So, I went back to an older r191 file and had the same problem occur again after I saved the project and the next day it happens again.

    Chrome seems to work but Edge and Firefox seems to cause the same problem to even the small JSON parsing c3p file.

  • dop2000

    Thanks for posting this project file. I've been learning how to implement JSON in my project and used Book project file to learn the structure of a JSON file. The link you posted here will be a major jump in my understanding how to set paths, Get, and Set JSON values.

    It's hard to visualize my JSON file's path when its 3 levels deep. I've learn to Get values but I'm having a hard time getting a set KEY values. Half the time it is my visual impairment causing typos and the understanding the pathing process. This definitely helps my progress in using JSON file in my project.

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  • Thank you dop2000 for confirming my thinking. One thing I have noted, even though the Check Box is generic in that it is none functioning it can effect an Event. I believe through experience, that if the Checked box is selected by accident, it interferes with the Event and/or Actions it is used in which prevents the expected result from completing. So it is not as benign as one my think.

  • I just curious about the Create hierarchy checkbox that displays on every object type Create action. Is this feature still only working for Spirit objects. I recall a past video where there was discussion of add more object types in the future. I search the C3 Manual and the Forums for any updates but have found no references as of this date. I interested in the possibility to include Arrays which a believe was mentioned in the video post some time ago. Just asking so I don't missed a new feature which has been implemented, but I missed it some how.


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  • Error occurred while I was editing IVars on a Family of Text Objects. Save was not successful, however, I had just save before editing IVars. Nothing else to report. Just following through on FYI request.

    Error report information

    Type: unhandled rejection

    Reason: Error: name already in object class namespace ǃt@https://editor.construct.net/r196/projectResources.js:1:101723 ǃhPd/<@https://editor.construct.net/r196/projectResources.js:1:1102373

    Stack: ǃt@https://editor.construct.net/r196/projectResources.js:1:101723 ǃhPd/<@https://editor.construct.net/r196/projectResources.js:1:1102373

    Construct 3 version: r196

    URL: editor.construct.net/r196

    Date: Tue Apr 21 2020 10:29:06 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

    Uptime: 2822.9 s

    Platform information

    Browser: Firefox

    Browser version: 75.0

    Browser engine: Gecko

    Browser architecture: 64-bit

    Context: browser

    Operating system: Windows

    Operating system version: 10

    Operating system architecture: 64-bit

    Device type: desktop

    Device pixel ratio: 1

    Logical CPU cores: 8

    Approx. device memory: (unavailable)

    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/75.0

    C3 release: r196 (beta)

    Language setting: en-US

    WebGL information

    Version string: WebGL 2.0

    Numeric version: 2

    Supports NPOT textures: yes

    Supports GPU profiling: no

    Supports highp precision: yes

    Vendor: Google Inc.

    Renderer: ANGLE (AMD FirePro W5100 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0)

    Major performance caveat: no

    Maximum texture size: 16384

    Point size range: 1 to 1024

    Extensions: EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_float_blend, EXT_texture_compression_bptc, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, OES_texture_float_linear, OVR_multiview2, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info, WEBGL_debug_shaders, WEBGL_lose_context

  • Thank you Ashley and plinkie for you quit responses. I knew this was a simple fix and that this was on me. Now that I have seen the answer, it is one of those, "Well duh" moments. However, it never seems easy when you just don't know the answer. So thank you both again for your help. I'm off to a great start this morning with one less annoyance to fret over before I wrack my brain on the real work of creating something great using C3.

  • I know this is not a bug, however, everytime I go to the Construct 3 editor, I am force to update to the latest version of C3 over and over again. When I complete the update, I can then work on a project from the day before which was saved in my latest version of C3 just update. My browser always launches in r189 despite having select my setting to allow Beta versions of C3.

    I have tried both Chrome and FireFox with the same results with both. I must be doing something wrong with the browser configurations where it does not remember my settings and it's blocking C3's update or with my C3 Settings. It is frustrating to have to update and relaunch every time I work on a project. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. I have just update to using C3 r193 because my projects are not time critical and I am not worried about crashes. I like using the latest, so I can test out new feature as they are added because they help me understand how capable C3 currently is and to see how far I can push it.

    This is not a crisis, but it sure is a pain in the derriere.

  • Is it possible to use the CSS style "column-count" "4" or "n" columns to make a multi column list instead of a vertical list of text? I have several list of words that are selectable, however one of the list is 39 words which makes it almost go from top to bottom of the window. There are examples of the column-count style on the web, but the CSS feature in the Construct does not work to create the desired number of columns. I can use set the CSS styling using many other tags and style setting but not this one feature.

  • I want to change the Textbox Property field ID (optional). Is there way to reset the ID name based on an Run time event not just a manual in the Editor. This is not the UID, nor the IID of Textbox object field created with each object. I am referring to the Properties dialog that has the Properties fields; Text, Placeholder, Tooltip... and at the bottom of the list, "ID (optional)" field which is defined as having the property, "An ID for the control allowing it to be styled with CSS from the HTML." I want to reset the ID name based on a Run time event. Just like I can "Set tooltip", I want the Textbox Set ID (optional) to a new name in order to change its #Name CSS appearance.

    During Edit, Textbox named "Activity" manually set Properties "ID (optional)", to "ActivityA", in order to change its appearance within a single style sheet using a new name ID (optional). I know it is possible to swap between style1.css, style2.css, etc, however, I do not want to create new CSS files for every object's new appearance. If it is possible to change the ID (optional) field, than all that needs to happen is to change the Textbox object pointer to from #Activity" to "#ActivityA" and the new style elements would be applied. With that, I can get a new style for some of the CSS elements without swapping out entire CSS files by just changing the Textbox ID based conditon such as, var Textbox = "Is Active". I know that I can use the builtin "Set CSS style" action to reset each style element. However, my project(s) will have hundreds of these types of action that I do not wish to have to add or edit each one with every minor CSS style change. I would be nice to be able to make global changes to a project by making minor CSS file edits and let the code do the rest. Thanks for any help with this question/desired feature.

    I hope this is just something that I have yet to find because my work life would be much better if it exist. It would be nice to have an object On created ACE option to set the ID also.

    A simple sample of an ACE and the linked CSS style.css data is below.


    Textbox named "Activity"

    Set Property ID (optional), = "ActivityA"

    During Run time,

    If Activity Is Active

    Textbox Set ID ActivityA

    Sample CSS file style1.css

    Activity, #ActivityS, #AdditionalText, #Adjective {

    font-size: 14px;

    font-weight: normal;

    text-align: center;

    border-width: 2px;

    border-radius: 20px;

    border-color: rgb(0,0,0)


    #Activity:hover, {

    border-color: rgb(255,0,0)


    #Activity {

    background-color: rgb(255,107,51);


    #ActivityA {

    border-color: rgb(255,0,0);


    #AdditionalText {

    background-color: rgb(255,25,255);


    #Adjective {

    background-color: rgb(127,255,212);


  • Here is a link to a tutorial on how to use collaboration tools with C2.

    How to collaborate on projects with SVN


  • Just letting others know that the problem with textbox text is effected in the Moveto behavior also. When the textbox begins it move across the screen (I only have it moving to a new X with the same Y), it is as if the text itself has gravity pulling it down out of the textbox and it keeps falling until the textbox frame stops moving. The text reaches the X position but now has fallen to a new lower Y height. If I resize the Chrome window even a little, the text refreshes in the center of the textbox again.

    Just update Chrome and the problem is gone. Not sure why I did not get an auto update.

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