haddy22's Forum Posts

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    Thanks for making C3 available for the Jam. How did it go? More construct users than last year?

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  • Who all participated in GGJ2019? Post your construct made games here! Id love to check them out.

    Here is the game I made with my small team to kick things off.

    Play it here:


    Info/ GGJ page


    We used C3 and it worked out great for us. I may have converted 2 of my friends to using it now.


  • https://imgur.com/a/ZbeSKZz

    I made a quick gif of a death off youtube to see what you were talking about-

    as suggested above the actual animation is not too complicated- I see 2 animations with only 3/4 frames each- just going at different speeds. with bullet behavior set to different angles you should be able to get this effect.

  • Im using an array to track level completions with simple 1s and 0s. Im wondering if there is an easy way to get the sum of a row in this array to quickly be able to display how many levels have been completed. If I could get the sum of the row they are stored on in this array that would give me my number- but if there is not a way to do this I can try something else-

    Thanks in advance.


  • and crickets...

    Looks like somebody was working on something... Anybody know if this ever happened? Thanks


  • Zaksoid

    that looks like a lot of fun- reminds me a little bit of the game "luftrausers" -(highly recommend checking it out if you haven't- maybe some good inspiration or ideas can come from it!)

    Great work though- looks polished.

    The rag-doll / physics on the humans when they get shot is a little comical- would be funny if when they hit the propeller they turned to a small red particle effect / mist :P

  • There are many ways you could do it, here's one

    I'm using Platform Behaviour instead of Bullet to clip the Enemies nicely to the Ground with their Gravity plus you have more control to do more things like Jumping etc....


    oh hey thanks- that does sound like a better option! Ill check this out.

    Mine is super simple / primitive

  • I figured it out! Here is how I did it if anybody is curious :P


  • you can keep track of your diamonds with a global variable. Global variables wont reset between layouts.

  • I am trying to make a simple platform test and create a bunch of enemies that share the same sprite, but have their own variables control them. I am assuming timers is the way to go but I have tried a few things and have not been able to figure it out-

    a quick example- all same sprite enemies but with different "walking" paths with different duration's / distances

    I am using bullet and bullet speed / time to move them back and forth now

    is there an easy way to do this I am just missing? I am pretty sure im close but I am just not getting it...

  • I dove in :) I am not your supporter on patreon- excited to check out some of your sauce files

  • Got too many projects that are pretty cool that I've shown glimpses of that I wish I could afford to work on but sadly can't do to financial reasons here and there + stress. Just trying to get a game with smaller scope out first to garner some good income.


    you are SUPER talented man- really enjoy watching your updates and ill prob be funding your patreon soon. stick with it! Your games have a lot of personality and I can see you going far with it!

  • So when a number is at 10000 it shows as 10,000

    and to take it further how do I show 10m 490k 17b etc. for millions thousands billions and others beyond?

    1t 017b 890m 742k for example

    I know there are lots of long tedious solutions but Im more wondering if construct has something built in to help simplify this- and if not, maybe it should have an option to do so? Im assuming this is a pretty common thing for games to need-

    Attached is a simple game Im working on- right now the money is just some large un-formatted number and Id like to be able to make it more readable.

    (Image upload seams to be buggy... not attaching it after its uploaded)

  • thanks for that... dont know how I missed it- didnt realize that green bar was options within "My Profile"