blackant's Forum Posts

  • thanks for your quick answer,

    i fund another to do it without array, by using left and right parameters that I didn't know.

  • hello everyone,

    i'm trying to make something for fun, but to accomplish this i need to remove parts of strings recorded into variables.

    so the best way i think, is to get this string, wich can be anything, spelled letter by letter into an array wich can be manipullated easilly after.

    so how can i have a "foreach letter" from string function ?

  • Hello,

    since i have released my game,

    i'm receiving many mails from unknown website that promise to increase downloads and players, like this one for example:

    is anyone know this kind of site, is it good, efficient, bad, arnac... ?

    is there any plugins already done by users if this is nice ?

  • The Grainies has been invented long time ago by myself to be the actors of a big big adventure named The Grainies: people from the grass.

    a big journey around an MMO aventure wich has never been finished.

    for now, construct helped me doing something related to one scene of my old project, so i used this part only to create Choeur de grainies, wich is now available on android. ... urgrainies

    drag and drop the grainies into the scene, hit play and listen them singing for fun !

    you can manage silent or mono, delete and mix them to get unic Chor.

    if the game is liked enough, i'll add more stuff into it, more characters, more songs, and more other cool stuffs.

    let's play !

  • hello,

    here is my first original game made using construct2 and spriter for animations.

    Choeur de Grainies, drag and drop your character on the scene and listen them singing. they will take levels during the song winning golden stars and golden notes wich can be used to unlock others characters and make your chor bigger. ... urgrainies

  • well, clearly not... the amount of memory estimated by construct with frames images is 2,9 Gb, wich is clearly not a good point.

  • i'm also wondering:

    • majority of my spriter objects characters have a scale size at 0.7, can it cause a real impact of the memory ?
    • could it be better to export my animations from spriter to gif and then import them as frame from sprites ? (i assume that if i want the same smoothness and fluidity, i'll need a lot of images)
  • for me it doesn't looks really high value, but maybe i'm wrong.

    is it ok for a mobile game to get those kind of tasks ?

  • already posted to them my issue,

    is there tools to watches memory usage of an application on android an d ios ?

  • Hello,

    i fund nothing related to this point on the forum, and i don't really know where to talk about it, sry if this is not the right forum place

    so let's get strated.

    i made my game using spriter, debugging and all the concept is working perfectly on windows, and also on android.

    but while testing my game on ipad, trying to spawn any kind of spriter object is resulting of spawning absolutely nothing!

    a simple test i wrote was to create a spriter object by cliquing on a button, or every 2 seconds, on place it randomly in the screen.

    like i said, if the test was prove that the script is working on windows, there is nothing on IOS.

    really strange...

    so, i don't know if some others users got the same problem with there games and spriter ?

    is there any way to solve it ??

    thanks for reading me.

  • they are some cool effects you can find on the forum

  • i alread own spriter, but to avoid getting out from construct it can be doable this way i mean

  • Hello,

    i have spended so much time and efforts to create my game with construct, i espect you guys can help me a bit

    first of all, my game is containing only 3 scenes: openning logo, main menu, and scene game.

    i have added admob for ads, and iap for th shop.

    And i'm using a lot of spriter objects for animations.

    everything is working nicelly on windows when i test my application, except for iap and ads i cannot see, it's why it's important to test it on the mobiles to check if everything is ok.

    i have been using Intel XDK to transpose the game to android and IOS, (with some difficulties and IOS as usual due to the certificate process not really clear) nad weel after few hours i got my builds!

    Testing on android result:

    the game install properlly, start loading with the icon and bar... then crash

    ok and of test for this part, i think my android is to old

    Testing on IOS result: (Ipad)

    Installed through Itunes, looks ok, not very long time to install it.

    Application starts, show my first scene logo intro duction without any sound...

    start the main menu, always without any music, then i discovered that i have to touch the screen to activate the music ... (wtf ?!! the music of the first scene is also playing in the same time ?? never scripted things to be like that )

    let's start the scene game finally, it looks ok UI Is here, ready to start, lets drag and drop my icon where i need it (it should create a character made with spriter on drop). nothing is created.... and more, all the others positions where i normaly can drop characters are inactive.

    i have a button made to delete the created character and reset the scene, using it do something that clear the only character i droped, allowing me to drop a new one here, and only here...

    this is a totally fail project, designed for mobile, only working on windows.

    is there any clue about all this problems ?

    thanks for reading me

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello,

    while discussing with my teamates, i just realized that construct animaiton can be improved by adding an onion skin in the editor wich will allow animators and graphist to works directly the animations inside construct 2 .. or 3


  • ok, i did wrong, it works only if the name is the last of the array during the test else it's overwrited.

    thanks for your help