The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hello! I'm Noel and I'm starting with gamdevelopment starting now!

  • hi

  • Hi there!

  • HI

    , everyone. My Name is Daniel, I go by DANO. I live in Kettering, Ohio. My daughter, my wife and video games are my life. I would love to create many and great memorable games for my following game Devs, friends, family and for my daughter. The Halo Universe, all of the Tom Clancy series, Destiny/Destiny 2, Gears of War series, Assassin's Creed, Battlefield, Titanfall and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1,2,&3. My first console was Sega Genesis and also my first hand held device was an original Gameboy. 2D platform style games and over the top style games were my favorite growing up. My current game I'm playing now is which its taken me to long to decide to start playing since the release is Tom Clancy's Wildlands. For my first project game I was would to create a 2D shooting/melee platform style game. Tim Ruswick is someone I look up to everyday to encourage me to do better one step at time! Much love to my new community!


  • Hi, My Name is Matthew Bee Michaelson from Lagos, Nigeria. I'm here to create an Outstanding Multiplayer mobile app. I'll need encouragement and ideas too from you guys... thanks

  • Hello.

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  • Thanks for not taking the time to read my introduction

    ~ chrdov2

    Hello! I'd like to take the time to introduce myself.

    My name is chrdov2, and I am a new member of the Scirra Forums. I love to make games for people to play, especially multiplayer (since that seems to be the big thing in today's gaming world), however, I feel that today, it's hard to make something that people will enjoy because any and every good concept has been taken already.

    Still, I hope that I can keep up with construct 3 being worked on, even though I will still be stuck with construct 2...

    Thanks for taking the time to read my introduction

    ~ chrdov2

  • I'm just a regular guy who likes to play and make a few games in my spare time ...

    Thanks for all the help ...

  • Olá meu mome é João lucas, ouve falar sobre o construc 2 através do meu professor do curso Cedaspy-Cohab


  • Hi my name is Jorj and i like construct

  • hello

  • oi

  • Hi i'm from Houston Texas and I learned about Construct 2 in my Video Game Design class

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