The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hello everybody. I am doing electronics engineering and this is the first time i am using any platform like this. So wish me luck!

  • Hi, I've been programming Silverlight games for dyslexia testing and assessment for about two years now, and I am really looking forward to writing my first indie game with Construct 2.

  • Ammarirfan, good look with your electronic engineering. I got my HND in electronic engineering around 1996 and specialised in radar. Unfortunately, I could not find work in electronics, but was good at C++ programming, and I have had a successful programming career since 1999. And I must say, I can find programming rather addictive at times., since you are doing electronics, as one of the courses it offers includes how to build your own robots and games console! The electronic kit for the games console is sold separately at: , and the robot kit can be purchased from: . Just in case you are interested.

  • It looks like I cannot paste URLs yet. The games course is run by gameinstitute. The robot kit is: Boe-Bot Robot Kit - USB, and the games console kit is: Game Console Starter Kit 2.0 [Self Study Course].

  • Hey guys and Gals, I just found construct 2 from Thenewboston's game development tutorial videos My name is Brent (Brentavius for a nickname) and I hope you all will be hearing from me more now that I found Construct 2. Have a good day everyone!

  • Ello, I'm Reavstun that have just saw this software and see it as awesome X3.

    would really like any help I can get. XD

  • Hi

  • Hi! I'm Mikol i'm from Uruguay

  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Jason ,and i'm the mastermind behind Xavier Orion Games. I've only been working with Construct 2 for roughly 2 weeks. I have a background in mutlimedia/web design from my 5 years between 2 different schools.

    It was thanks to guys from indie studios like RCMADIAX, Bear Box Media, Arcane Pixel, and some others that decided to venture into something i've been wanting to do for a very very long time. All 3 of those studios i mentioned use C2 which they recommended me to use C2 to get my hands dirty.

    C2 can sometimes be a little hard to work with when you are trying something more complicated ,but i sometimes finding myself working more on my own game than even playing any other video game.

    Our goal is to put our games not only on PC ,but Wii U as well ,and maybe even Android/Ouya (we'll see about the last set). We are currently waiting to hear back from Nintendo for our developer license.

    The game we are currently working on is a twin shooter in vien of something like Alien Syndrome ,but a bit deeper gameplay. Think almost like a twin stick shooter set in 2D Legend of Zelda style dungeons. The game is called "Into The Void" .

    This is all the outlets you can check us and the game out at as well as get ahold of us.

    Our website-

    Youtube page-



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  • Buenas soy Edson de PERÚ, tengo una inquietud, estoy deseando hacer un juego para android, pero como sabemos

    android esta en table, etc. quisiera saber de que dimensiones tendría que ser mis sprites y mis background.



    i am happy to be on of your family

  • Hi every body i'm a student form the Netherlands and i love to be a part of one of the best communities on the internet

  • I`m ketkev, a game dev from holland.

    i`m 12 years old and love gaming and making games


  • sou linod + nada

  • Hi.

    I'm Rhumai. I'm from France.

    I'm a professionnal dev, but not in game dev.

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