The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

From the Asset Store
Chriple Sprite sheet
$1.25 USD
50% off
Introduce a quirky, lively character to your game with the Chirple Sprite Sheet.
  • Hi!!! My name is Mihail.

  • Hello! Im just finnish wannabe gamedev/producer. No programing or graphic skills but still few gameprototypes coming soon!

  • Hello! I have high hopes to become an app developer. I'd love to make a few games that are fun to play, while showing off some of the great music I write using Reason!

  • Hello. I am John Quincy. I was looking for an alternative to Multimedia Fusion 2. With a big dream and a small wallet, I looked for alternative game developer tools and came across a top ten list. It ranked #3, but it didn't limit me to 100 events, so I got the free version instead.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • New to the forum and preparing to use the Construct 2 platform. I am looking for other options other than Gamesalad to build a football sim. Users on the Gamesalad forums told me it could not be done but I tried it anyway and got pretty far before the Gamesalad platform started to bog down. Long story short I am looking for a new platform.

    Reading through the manual Construct 2 seems like a better platform to use, only thing is that its not available but Mac OS but I can use parallels.

    Is it possible to build a simple football sim with Construct 2, would like to hear some feed back.

  • Hello World...

    I love making music, animation, and games but not in that particular order!

    I want to save the work with my work so wish me luck

  • Itz usama. i'm from karachi,Pakistan. I'm student of aptech and doing ACCP-pro

  • Howdy

    I'm Josh of Queuethulu Game's we're a small team out of Minneapolis MN, consisting of 4 of us.

    We're out to try to make unique and strange games and generally just have fun doing what we love.

  • Hi every one I am spoorthy i am recent graduate in computer science and I love to program apps , games and I loved construct . I like to learn new things about this and even new technologies!

  • Hi Folks,

    Got Construct 2 for Ludum Dare, let's see how this goes!

  • hello people !

    im kamalesh here from india , i used to program ..then i realised i cant do it past the basic level xD

    so scirra huh ! no programming with little code for python intrigued me ...

  • Hey I'm Josh and I am learning construct so that I can make an app.

  • Hello World!

    New to the forum and preparing to use the Construct 2 platform.

    Wanna create really good games.

  • Hi I just downloaded the free version of construct 2 and am looking for ideas and help with my game.

  • swippy the magicain now in the store :)

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