One Buck Challenge - June

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Scrollbars with FULL functionality and versatility, just like the ones you can find in AAA games!
  • While there is such a thing as being overly cautious, there is nothing wrong with expecting well defined logical rules.

    Also this is an open forum, and while your free to glean some knowledge, as well as return the favor, others have no intention to do anything other than take. Therefore its users should be given every opportunity to protect themselves.

    So if you feel the need to protect your assets... please do.

    If you feel the need to share, again please do...with the knowledge that once you do, its very hard to take it back.

  • Djordhan, to some extent I think you just have to put your foot down and state what the rules are, otherwise everyone will pick at things they don't like and if you change your mind nobody will be sure what the rules are any more.

  • Yeah you're right, but I agree that couldn't open all .cap if I don't have all the plugins used by everyone, only to verify that people aren't violating THE rule.

    I trust you guys!

    Well, I updated the main post and that's how it will remains until the end.

  • I like the "one layout" rule..for the reasons you mention. For example, instead of allowing people to create all of these layouts for a big game appearance they can learn how to use layers more effectively or unlimited scrolling. It broadens people's horizons..

    I can see having a contest where we require .caps when it makes sense (for example a "best documented game" contest) or something along those lines. Although the prize might have to be a lot higher since documentation is rather boring.

    I'm looking forward to trying something out for this!

  • It's May 19th!!

    Only one month remains until the submission of your entries for the first One Buck Challenge!

    Don't miss your chance to be a part of this major event in history!.. of that thread.

  • Only 10 days before the end of this first edition of the One Buck Challenge!!

    Are you working on something yet ?!

  • Only 10 days before the end of this first edition of the One Buck Challenge!!

    Are you working on something yet ?!

    I'd love to get something going myself for this, but I have to find time between exams ).

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  • For a buck it doesn't have to be that awesome

  • Arghhh i forgot! sigh...

    Well, i didn't have time to make my challenge due to my busy for freelance work. There will have another challenge?

  • Sure! Since this one probably won't have any entry

    The next challenge will include its own 1 buck prize PLUS the buck of this one if it's not won

  • I plan on entering I've been working away at an idea I had started on ages ago, so thanks for the motivation to get it going again!

  • **** I completely forgot about this contest.

    If I can somehow stop myself from playing HalfLife 2, then maybe I could whip out something in these 10 days.

    [quote:3oanqiq2]The next challenge will include its own 1 buck prize PLUS the buck of this one if it's not won

    Maybe keep the next challenge a bit shorter like 2-5 days so people don't forget about it.

  • I'll wait for the next challenge. I couldn't thought up anything playable which I could finish in last 2 weeks. For me, 1 month is perfect, not too short or too long.

  • Yeah I guess I should post reminder more regularly but I don't want to Spam.. Having 1 month let people take time when they can, if I make it shorter people may not "have" the time in the contest time frame. But I'll consider the idea

  • I've had the contest on my mind the entire summer. . . and so has my final semester of university. No biggie, really. Just keep the contests rolling!

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