How do i solve the problem with physics and framerate?

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  • Hi all! I'm making a game like Hill Climb Racing. I noticed that the physics in the game work differently at different frame rates. I'm using the independent framerate setting, but that doesn't change anything.

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    The video shows the difference between physics at 144fps and 60fps. I'm making my game at 144fps and I was surprised when I saw that the physics in the game work differently at 60fps.I would like the physics to work the same at different frame rates. How do i solve the problem with physics and framerate?

    Is it possible to set different physics values depending on the frame rate? Will this solve the problem?


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  • I'm guessing you are using huge values for density, friction etc., because you have to apply pretty insane force and impulse (40000) to move the car. Physics engine doesn't work well with extreme values, maybe that's the reason why the results are so different at different fps.

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