How do I smooth moving up stairs for my 3d platformer physics?

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Simple yet very life-like rag doll made with Physics!
  • This is more of a Math question but since it uses construct features I figured I would ask it here instead of Stack Overflow...

    I've built a variation on the 3d platformer example project.

    It uses a similar dz adjustment system for the player's z-height, allowing them to jump/fall.

    From line 38 onwards in the Player event sheet, I set a maximum height for steps, and then, when a player collides with a step, they move up onto it. The problem is, the movement is very rigid and sudden, and not natural at all. For other reasons I cannot interpolate the Z-axis as it is used for bobbing/etc.

    How can I modify the player's DZ on line 44, to counter-act gravity and move up exactly four pixels before beginning to fall again?

    + Player: On collision with Platforms + Player: DZ = 0 + System: Platforms.ZElevation + Platforms.ZHeight ≤ Player.ZElevation + StepHeight + System: Platforms.ZElevation + Platforms.ZHeight > Player.ZElevation -> System: Set PlayerOldZ to Player.ZElevation -> Player: Set Z elevation to Platforms.ZElevation + Platforms.ZHeight -> Player: Set OnGround to True


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  • This is too advanced for me LOL. But why don't you use Platform Behaviour instead?

  • 3D physics are custom. Constructs platform behavior does not support 3D. :)

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  • Nice, but I think you game is good when I try, and I don't think it is necessary to make it more smoother. You should continue the gameplay without having to think about too much detail

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