How do I realistically recreate gravity without physics?

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  • Hi, I'm tryna make the player have gravity in my game, but there is a problem: the world physics gravity is set to 0 because most of the game is underwater, and I cant just change the gravity because other objects use physics too.

    Right now I am using this but it is, for a lack of a better word, pretty cringe.

    Anyone know how to make this more realistic? Thanks.

  • You can apply a constant force downward. Technically force=mass*acceleration so the gravity force for a specific object would be that. But the physics units are flawed in the behavior so a constant like 50 would work.

    Alternatively you could set the y velocity to self.physics.velocityY+500*dt which would just apply an acceleration directly

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  • You can apply a constant force downward. Technically force=mass*acceleration so the gravity force for a specific object would be that. But the physics units are flawed in the behavior so a constant like 50 would work.

    Alternatively you could set the y velocity to self.physics.velocityY+500*dt which would just apply an acceleration directly

    Thanks for the response. I tried that and it works, but the problem with it is that the gravity 'speed' never increases, so it feels pretty floaty.

    I tried doing that but also multiplying/adding a variable that increases over time to it to make the gravity speed increase the longer you fall, but none of my solutions have really gotten the desired affect. Any ideas?

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