How do I program a metroidvania map?

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  • I've been developing a game like Metroidvania for quite some time now, and now I'm thinking about adding a map.

    Each room is a separate layout.

    Should I just put all the rooms as separate sprites on a layer and make them visible when the player visits the corresponding room, or it is better to make dynamic spawning of the map?

    Here is a raw browser demo of my game -


  • After all, it is true that in metroidvania maps are quite schematic, not as detailed as in strategies, the main thing that the player understands where to go.

    Do you want to place it at the bottom left in a square?

    I would make it in general in the form of a scheme that moves behind the player and when you tap on it he can zoom in and show the whole level map.

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  • I want to create a map similar to the map "Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight". Just a separate layer with rooms that look like just squares. The main problem is that I don't know if I should add new rooms dynamically by checking the sizes of the new rooms and spawning them, or just put all the rooms as png (sprite, TB, or 9-patch) and make them visible when the player visits new rooms.

  • Another option is to place in "TiledBackground" and set the desired window size, and change the position of the hero through rewind ".ImageOffsetX".

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