How can I make the map rotate around the center of the viewport?

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  • I want to make a mechanic for rotating the map but I'm struggling to find a way to always center the rotation in the viewport's center, so far I managed to rotate platforms that belong to the map with pins and rotate behaviors but It wouldn't work for very large maps, would there be a better solution?

    Ps. I need to keep the character standing up while the map rotates.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • Have you tried Anchor behavior ??

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  • I'm still new to construct and I never used it, do I try it together with the behaviors I already mentioned? Or by itself, if it can make that sort of mechanic?

  • I tried playing a bit with it and put the anchor to the center point of the rotating object that makes the map rotate, but now the whole map moves together with the player, I wanted to make it so the player can move freely around the map but is able to rotate from different sections of the map.. I'm just seeing if it's possible since it sounds really complex to me, I think it'd need a movable point in the center of the viewport while it can also rotate the map from wherever the player is in the map.

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