How do I create an intelligent object generation system in an Endless Runner?

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Template for dungeon/maze generation, using wave function collapse
  • Hi, guys!

    In my platform Endless Runner game, I'm randomly generating obstacles, enemies and items using RANDOM(X).

    Basically I only have three classes of objects: OBSTACLE (which must be jumped), ENEMY (which cannot be touched) and ITEM (which must be collected).

    However, I would like to implement a smarter object generation system, to interleave the items well and not generate a stupid sequence of items.

    Suggestions? :)

  • You could instead of making it completely random, have it pick from a bunch of predefined sequences at random. As an example you have these sequences:

    • obstacle, enemy, item, enemy
    • enemy, item, enemy, item
    • obstacle, item, obstacle, enemy
    • (as many as you want)

    And you pick one of those at random and generate it in that order. And once the sequence is done generating, you pick another one at random.

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  • You could instead of making it completely random, have it pick from a bunch of predefined sequences at random. As an example you have these sequences:

    • obstacle, enemy, item, enemy
    • enemy, item, enemy, item
    • obstacle, item, obstacle, enemy
    • (as many as you want)

    And you pick one of those at random and generate it in that order. And once the sequence is done generating, you pick another one at random.

    Thanks for the tip. :)

    Does anyone have an example of this or similar?

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