How do I check if a player is not overlapping an object when under a condition?

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Basic Rounded Vector Geometry Player Design with Glow for 3 player games
  • I have a game where I want the player to increase in Z elevation when they aren't on top of a floor tilemap. So, basically, I want the player to fall when they're not on a platform. I have multiple instances of the same tilemap for each necessary z-axis (so multiple tilemaps on different Z axes) and I need the player to only fall when they're NOT overlapping one on the same Z axis as them.

    I can't find a way to check if the player is overlapping a tilemap that they aren't on the same z-axis as but isn't also overlapping a tilemap that they are on the same Z axis as. I can only find conditions where the player is overlapping both but falls anyway. I tried using booleans but can't find conditions where it only applies to ones with them enabled when referencing tilemaps. All it allows me to do is make the player fall when overlapping both or not fall at all.

  • Do you mean you can't find the right condition or that you found the right one and it's not working as intended? You can right-click on the overlap condition and invert it if you didn't get that far.

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  • ^ tried this already, didn't work (c3 checks if ANY tilemap isn't overlapping the player, and any single one isn't, no matter if there is one that is, the code runs)

    I found a way to get past this was to just make a tilemap specifically for the edges of platforms so that the code only runs if the player is overlapping those.

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