How do I change tilemap set?

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  • 3 posts
From the Asset Store
Enchanted Forest & Cave 16x16 Tilemap with Environment Sprites
  • So I have a bunch of premade rooms made from tilemaps for dungeon generation. Each room is a template. I have 4 different floors in the game and each would need to have the walls match the floor theme. Is there a way to change the tiles to match that using a variable? Or will I just have to make 4 different versions of every single template?


  • Is it one tilemap object or four different ones?

    If four different, you will have to make templates with the same name for every tilemap object. For example "boss_room" template for TilemapGrass, TilemapFire, FilemapWater, TilemapPoison. Then you can spawn a tilemap object by name.

    If it's a single tilemap with 4 tilesets in it, maybe you can place these tilesets at regular intervals (say every 50 tiles). Then after adding a room, loop through all tiles and update them.

    For example, if it's tile number 23 and you want it to be from the second tileset, you change it to 23+50.

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  • I'm hoping to just make it one tilemap to avoid having so many templates, but yeah I'll try and use the interval thing you described.

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