I wont be using chrome for anything except C3. So here's a tip on how to create an app shortcut that takes you directly to C3 editor in app mode.
For PC (Easy Way)
Edit: Added the easy way suggested by
1. Go to editor.construct.net
2. Click the 3 dots in top right corner.
3. Select more tools > add to desktop. (open as window)
For PC - if you want to use more advanced command line switches.
1. Create a new shortcut on your desktop.
2. Click browse to locate chrome.
(usually in "C:\program files\google\crhome\applications\chrome.exe)
3. add. '--app=http://editor.construct.net' after the file location.
4. Link should look like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app=http://editor.construct.net
5. Click next and name the shortcut. (You can probably add your customized icon as well)
wholla! now you can use C3 in app mode, without annoying address bars etc.
For MAC using script editor
Mac doesn't support creating an icon the easy way like on PC, or adding command line switches to aliases and shortcuts, but you can create your own launch script.
1. Open Script editor.
2. Paste this.
do shell script "/Applications/Google\\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\\ Chrome --app=http://editor.construct.net & killall applet"[/code:1ailyfkx]
3. File > Save ... chose file format as application and save to desktop or where you want.
4. Double click this icon to run C3 in appmode.
To change the icon to C3 icon you can use this Method.
Files to use for icon can be found here: (I picked out 3 suitable icons from the official press kit)
or in the full Press kit here:
Here's a link to a nice tool for creating icon files if needed. Thanks for the link @skozax
google-chrome --app=http://editor.construct.net
[b]Other useful chrome command line switches can be found here: [/b]
or here
Enjoy and have fun!