In which language are we programming?

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  • I'm a little confused about this. I read that C3 uses javascript and HTML5.

    But to be sure.. what I am writing in C3 is HTML5 right? Or is there also a mixture of javascript that I didn't know I was writing?


  • Html5 and JavaScript is what the engine is made in. But as a user you are typically using the event sheet to do the logic with the option to use some JavaScript.

    So unless you’re using some JavaScript you’re just programming with construct’s event sheet which isn’t JavaScript.

  • Thanks.

    So to sum it up the event sheet isn't any particular 'language'. But sometimes you have to do like 'Sprite.Bullet.Speed' which has some similarities to what I was learning at a C# course. Maybe it was called 'OOP' but I'm not sure. So that's why I thought C3 had a 'language' we are using.

    The output is obviously HTML5. Hmm, and also javascript I believe?

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  • Event sheets are their own thing. I just call it construct event sheets. It has similarities to other programming languages. The expressions are very similar to c/JavaScript, but the conditions and picking are fairly unique.

    Html5 and JavaScript is mainly how things are implemented behind the scenes. But that’s mainly an implementation detail. They could’ve implemented it in anything. But since the primary export is html5 that’s what they decided to focus on.

  • Thanks.

    So to sum it up the event sheet isn't any particular 'language'. But sometimes you have to do like 'Sprite.Bullet.Speed' which has some similarities to what I was learning at a C# course. Maybe it was called 'OOP' but I'm not sure. So that's why I thought C3 had a 'language' we are using.

    If you want to apply knowledge from your class, you'd want to check out Javascript. It has OOP features like classes and interfaces which can bring your coding to the next level.

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