I cant open my construct3 project

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  • Ok, of course I didn't mean to place any blame, I'm sorry if I write anything wrong.

  • I appreciate Rex's efforts, the above comment makes me once again question why a lot of these plugins need to be community built and not included inside construct to begin with.

    Things like the type effect, moveto etc.

    Anyway not looking to hear the excuses from someone at Scirra yet again - I know not all plugins can be included to suit everyone, but there are a few that are really being used a lot. My comment sounds worse than I'm actually meaning it to be, just a "rhetorical questioning" if you will. I guess there are more important things taking up time.

  • I appreciate Rex's efforts, the above comment makes me once again question why a lot of these plugins need to be community built and not included inside construct to begin with.

    Things like the type effect, moveto etc.

    Anyway not looking to hear the excuses from someone at Scirra yet again - I know not all plugins can be included to suit everyone, but there are a few that are really being used a lot. My comment sounds worse than I'm actually meaning it to be, just a "rhetorical questioning" if you will. I guess there are more important things taking up time.


    I completely agree they are some of plugins or effects that they don't have to go through the (Vote or Selection) Proces as they are so widely used and are basic staff that C2 should have by default long time ago, why we have to use this useful plugin but with that scared feeling that any time can break and with the possibility that the developer stop gave support to this Plugins.

    Will be nice to have someone that works on this plugins but someone that understand the developer's minds as they will create exactly what the developers needs and things that are missing from the official ones and not a generic Plugin

  • Havok

    i totally agree with you.

  • Ashley rexrainbow

    So, where do we go from here? A large portion of users have projects that use very popular and important 3rd party plugins. What “should have been done” and what was “actually done” is not a matter of debate. It seems like a ticking time-bomb before even more projects become un-openable.

    Some options for the most popular plugins:

    - Scirra adopts them as official plugins. Therefore maintaining compatibility.

    - Provide C3 event/action coding that accomplishes the same result as the plugin. This seems cumbersome if even possible.

    - Users volunteer to keep them maintained. This perpetuates the situation.

    - Inexperienced programmers learn to code their own plugins. This is contrary to the accessibility of C3.

    • Do nothing. Hope for continued compatibility.
    • ?

    If popular plugins become abandoned, how do we address this looming disaster? What is our work-around/solution?

  • Ashley Rex

    So, where do we go from here? A large portion of users have projects that use very popular and important 3rd party plugins. What “should have been done” and what was “actually done” is not a matter of debate. It seems like a ticking time-bomb before even more projects become un-openable.

    Some options for the most popular plugins:

    - Scirra adopts them as official plugins. Therefore maintaining compatibility.

    - Provide C3 event/action coding that accomplishes the same result as the plugin. This seems cumbersome if even possible.

    - Users volunteer to keep them maintained. This perpetuates the situation.

    - Inexperienced programmers learn to code their own plugins. This is contrary to the accessibility of C3.

    - Do nothing. Hope for continued compatibility.

    - ?

    If popular plugins become abandoned, how do we address this looming disaster? What is our work-around/solution?

    Very worrisome indeed.

    I actually have an application now that I'm building now. It uses some of Rex's plugins.

    If this will prevent me from opening a project or just stops working without me being able to open it and at the very least remove it without completely trashing the project it will be a massive problem for me.

    I mean we can't blame Rex, becasue he is doing it for free and fillign the gaps.

    Seems one can remove the plugins to be certain, but that leaves a big draw for Construct...well, gone.

    I think Scirra should seriously consider taking stock of some of the most used pluggins and build those type of functionality into C3. I mean seriously...Moveto?

    Yes, the argument that "we can't build every plugin every user wants..." and "there will always be plugins that..."

    I'm not saying that you should build in every single plugin, but surely we can tell what say the top 10 plugins used are? That will go a long way to maybe ease the reliance.

    Maybe a prime time is to add these for the actual C3 runtime?

    It's also like even though the community really wants something Scirra just actually spends time to convince us that it's not needed rather than thinking hey, yeah maybe a some of those functionality will be good to include.

    I just don't know what Scirra is focusing on right now...it seems like (from a paying user's perspective anyway) that things are a bit of a mess. Like there has been a loss of focus or direction.

    I really love Construct, it's a fun tool but the last few months I've been losing "faith" in Scirra tbh.

    Not trying to be negative here but giving you feedback. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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  • In my case the most important plugin was the liteTween plugin - it would be awesome i guess, when this would be a standart construct2/3 behaviour. But i guess the most of you have other project specific important plugins.

  • Time is our most limited resource. We are constantly working at full capacity on all sorts of things, including exciting and essential projects like the new C3 runtime, which nobody can develop apart from us.

    The SDK exists because we don't have time to implement all the features everyone wants. In acknowledgement of this, we allow third-party developers to come up with addons independently of us, so some ideas that we simply do not have the resources to implement, can be implemented by others.

    For this reason it's out of the question to expect us to do any sort of maintenance on third-party addons. To start with we don't have the time anyway, but on top of that, it's unfamiliar code often written in a radically different style to what we'd use, and being dragged in to maintaining third-party code defeats the whole reason the SDK exists, which is to allow development without our involvement.

    Third party developers can, and do, disappear at any time, for any reason. This has happened before, and will happen again. When you choose to use a third-party addon, you are entrusting any further maintenance and support for that addon to someone who may or may not be around in future. It should be common sense: you're making a trade-off between using a new feature that may be valuable to you, versus the uncertain level of support for that.

    If a third-party developer disappears at any time - and it could happen to any other developer, for any reason at all - then I'm afraid they're the ones who have left you out in the cold. But you should have been aware that was a possibility, and if your project is important, perhaps made some preparations for it. After all often these are volunteers working on addons in their spare time - do you expect the same level of support as a for-profit company with full-time professional developers? No, that's unreasonable. They do what they can when they feel like it. That's the deal.

    As I say it's happened before and will happen again. The problem is unreasonably expecting a professional level of support from third-party developers. If you are not aware of the deal you're making when you use a third-party addon, this is your wake-up call. Maybe you want to think a little bit more carefully about it next time you use a third-party addon.

    If you're missing any really crucial features that you've previously depended on third-party addons for, you can post them or vote on them here: https://construct3.ideas.aha.io

    Any really important ones we can build in as official features.

  • Valid arguments from both sides. I'd really like to see some of Rex's plugins/behaviors become officially adopted, but I know that probably won't happen, and if it does, not anytime soon.

    I've already started to remove his plugins from one game I'm working on and replacing with stock event/action coding. Disappointing, because what could be accomplished in one line, requires several. Something like Pin To Image Point should be included in the official Pin behavior.

    Vote for it here: https://construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C3-I-421

    And yes, I too would love to have Scirra adopt Rex's MoveTo behavior. I've added the idea, please vote for it here: https://construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C3-I-440

  • Valid arguments from both sides. I'd really like to see some of Rex's plugins/behaviors become officially adopted, but I know that probably won't happen, and if it does, not anytime soon.

    I've already started to remove his plugins from one game I'm working on and replacing with stock event/action coding. Disappointing, because what could be accomplished in one line, requires several. Something like Pin To Image Point should be included in the official Pin behavior.

    Vote for it here: https://construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C3-I-421

    And yes, I too would love to have Scirra adopt Rex's MoveTo behavior. I've added the idea, please vote for it here: https://construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C3-I-440

    3 Points from me To MoveTo <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> , it hurts me so much to give 3 Points from our limited Points Basket because for something that it should be included as Default without any botting and those Points it could have gone to something else but hey what can we do I would have given 100 if I could <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    [quote:1b8w85do]Disappointing, because what could be accomplished in one line, requires several

    The same for MoveTo, That's one of the main things why I like MoveTo has the trigger on hit target where you can build all the Logic from that and organise all the events on a cleaner manner, plus much more useful things

    On the side note, I understand the Scirra arguments up to a certain point but we didn't request like you do it right now at a list I didn't, we could have waited longer without any problem, obviously if I have to choose between you work on the new Run Time to make it faster and fix most of the performance issues that we have, I have no doubt I will choose Performance always first anything else can wait, but you see the difference between please wait a bit longer when we will have Time Or >>>"Definitely nooo" there is a big Gap here

  • As I say it's happened before and will happen again. The problem is unreasonably expecting a professional level of support from third-party developers. If you are not aware of the deal you're making when you use a third-party addon, this is your wake-up call. Maybe you want to think a little bit more carefully about it next time you use a third-party addon.

    If you're missing any really crucial features that you've previously depended on third-party addons for, you can post them or vote on them here: https://construct3.ideas.aha.io

    Any really important ones we can build in as official features.

    Agreed, but I think we are reasonably expecting reasonable support from you (Scirra).

    If paying users are saying that there is a very real need for MoveTo, and Pin behavior or whatever they are needing in their projects and finding Construct lacking in an area, why can you not be reasonable and add it so that they don't have to rely on the 3rd party devs?

    The whole point is ease of developing without code. Behaviours, Plugins are a key piece - esp since one cannot just code the feature in easily but then have to build a plugin. Then you may as well be using a tool that allows scripting/ coding from the get go and get around limitations.

    Don't get me wrong Construct is fast, and fun, but please see that as per your argument as well, we need you guys to sometimes expand the functionality a bit if there is a need for it.

    Plenty of things have been asked for on the feature request and very few of those have been at all implemented since you don't deem it needed. Yet when a plugin developer does, everyone uses it. Now you are saying that users blame you when the plugin breaks. I understand that you cannot be held responsible but then at least try add the ones that a majority of users use all the time.

  • If paying users are saying that there is a very real need for MoveTo, and Pin behavior or whatever they are needing in their projects and finding Construct lacking in an area, why can you not be reasonable and add it so that they don't have to rely on the 3rd party devs?

    We can. That's why I linked to the feature suggestions platform. That's where we manage all such ideas and requests.

  • 3 Points from me To MoveTo

    Thanks for the votes tarek2! Fingers crossed we get an official MoveTo!

  • I love MoveTo. I want MoveTo. I NEED MoveTo.

    It has already been requested in the past...


    and has been merged with " Tween/Easing IN/OUT Behavior"


    Interestingly, the Admin Response was that it was a good idea and that we should wait for the new C3 runtime. The new runtime is here.

  • I love MoveTo. I want MoveTo. I NEED MoveTo.

    It has already been requested in the past...


    and has been merged with " Tween/Easing IN/OUT Behavior"


    Interestingly, the Admin Response was that it was a good idea and that we should wait for the new C3 runtime. The new runtime is here.

    Well then let's merge the idea I created with these so the votes tally up!

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