Since 95% of all JS/Web devs on Earth use VS Code...

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  • Could we get 3 Event Sheet shortcuts:

    [ Alt ] + [ UpArrow ]: Move highlighted event or action up

    [ Alt ] + [ DownArrow ]: Move highlighted event or action down

    [ Ctrl ] + [ Tab ]: Opens an Event Sheet picker to quickly jump around in sheets

    If you're not using VS Code, what is wrong with you? ;-)


  • As indicated in

    If you have suggestions for new features or improvements in Construct 3, we have a feature suggestion platform here which lets everyone vote on their favourite ideas:

    Please look for existing ideas before submitting a new one. It's better to get all votes on the same idea than spreading it around.

    If you are not using the appropriate suggestion platform, your idea will be missed out and possibly not implemented.

    I would be really interested in the sources about the percentage of developers using the software you mention.

  • 95%

    Do you have a citation for that? If you're making up numbers, it doesn't make for a strong case for features.

  • That was really tongue-in-cheek my friends :-) However, I read a lot of web dev coding blogs regularly and watch many, many hours of Youtube dev channels every week. Nearly every one of them uses VS Code. Test that if you wish :-) Occasionally you might see some weirdo using Atom or ocassionally you'll see Sublime Text (which is pretty good too), but I bet more than 90% of the time you see VS Code.

    Anyway, guys who have been coding for a very long time eventually develop a strong disdain for mousing. If you learn to use hotkeys you can code much faster and more efficiently. C3 has some good hotkeys so far, I'm just missing a few more. Adding hotkeys is low hanging fruit in dev cost.

    Oh about that "ideas" board, that makes me a bit concerned. Looks like there are many hundreds of suggestions and only 4 being considered and 2 developed. So, all those hundreds of ideas are terrible? What is your idea evaluation process?

    Do not forget you have several very good game dev app competitors. I won't name them here. You (and we) want the Construct 3 dev experience to be the very best of them all. Weird glitches and issues that slow you down make it occasionally frustrating to use the editor.

    I will start posting suggestions on the ideas board :-)

  • You missed the 96 ideas already being shipped, which means that they were considered, developed and implemented since the platform was put in place.

    You possibly missed the 76 which are duplicates or already existing ideas, yet were still proposed again.

    Ideas being voted on gets considered/developed when the team gets round to being in the correct time to implement those.

    Some features are already planned and in the works (follow Ashley on twitter, you'll see the prototype for a rework of functions he's working on).

    When such a major feature is in the works, other features/ideas aren't.

    It's a matter of timing mostly.

    To come back to the title of your topic, as mentioned, making assumptions about numbers without actual data to back them up does not make for a strong case.

    Trying to use opinions as facts often ends up in sterile discussions I'm afraid.

  • I use notepad++

    The shortcuts sound useful though

  • Oh about that "ideas" board, that makes me a bit concerned. Looks like there are many hundreds of suggestions and only 4 being considered and 2 developed. So, all those hundreds of ideas are terrible? What is your idea evaluation process?

    Please, please read the full suggestions guidelines here. This is exactly the kind of feedback we want to avoid - if we get too much scepticism like that, we can always just take it down and stop having votes...

    And as Kyatric pointed out, we've already developed and released nearly 100 user suggested ideas from that site.

  • Perhaps the idea board should reflect these numbers you're quoting? I don't see them there. I can only look at the numbers on left side. If you are implementing the good suggestions, that's excellent! :-)

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  • Guys: Please stop taking every question, idea and suggestion for improvement I post as a C3 slight. They are not that. Construct 3 is getting better and better and better seemingly every day. It's barely an inch from being the best game dev product available. I'm not posting angry or irritated. I'm only expressing my concerns and interests to hopefully, eventually make C3 editor perfect :-)

  • Perhaps the idea board should reflect these numbers you're quoting? I don't see them there. I can only look at the numbers on left side.

    They are right there, on the left side, already.

  • Perhaps the idea board should reflect these numbers you're quoting? I don't see them there. I can only look at the numbers on left side. If you are implementing the good suggestions, that's excellent! :-)

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