Street Posse Showdown

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From the Asset Store
Isometric Stategy Roleplay Game Building and Streets Pack.

    As it is with every city, crime is unavoidable in Oaksville, but the situation has gotten worse over the recent years. It was bad enough that most of the wealthy residents have left, fleeing for greener and safer pastures. Without the income or taxes from those people, the city cannot afford to maintain the size of the existing police force. Therefore, with great pain, they downsize the cops to less than a quarter of their previous number.

    Without most of the cops, the crimes have increased and the situation on the streets has gotten more chaotic as various groups struggle for dominance. At present, whatever your past and reason is, you have decided to fight back with a group of people dissatisfied with the current situation. How will you fight? Whom will you let into your posse? And what future will you decide to pursue?

    That’s up to you, leader. Welcome to Street Posse Showdown.

    The decaying city centre of Oaksville


    • Highly Tactical Battles.
    • Mission-Based Gameplay.
    • Full Party Creation At Start.
    • Character Job System.
    • No Permadeath. However, Injuries Are In.
    • Replaceable and Relearnable Techniques.
    • Faction Knowledge Is Crucial To Success.
    • Single Player Story-Driven Campaign
    • Combat & Dialogue Log Included.
    • Changeable Clothing.

    Assault Rifles and the likes are in this game. Train in their use to wreck havoc upon your victims.

    For people with short term memory or strategists.

  • No answer on this yet ? !! oO

    Wow, this game looks pretty complex, and the art style (even the page) looks great !

    Good luck, i'll give a try to the demo when i get some time later on !

  • No answer on this yet ? !! oO

    Wow, this game looks pretty complex, and the art style (even the page) looks great !

    Good luck, i'll give a try to the demo when i get some time later on !

    Thanks. If you can take the time to give some feedback later on, it would great.

  • But hey , it wasn't made with C2 ? or maybe it is ? Just wondering.

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  • But hey , it wasn't made with C2 ? or maybe it is ? Just wondering.

    Took quite a lot of effort but yeah, I use C2 to make it.

  • Hey , i'm back and i gave your game a little try ! (i haven't play long time but i saw some overall gameplay)

    So , first, i'm not a huge fan of this kind of tactical game. But some will surely do love it.

    And i have to say, the game is very polished, it's beautiful. Art style. Animations, menus, all is looking great.

    Now, i also have a trouble with two three things here.

    First, i find "entering in the game" very complicated. There's tons of options menu, character characteristics to define.

    And maybe it's a bit too much to start with a new player. You'll lose many people here.

    maybe add some tiny battle tutorial at begining ? with already defined characters ? then let the player customize step by step.

    Maybe some features are too much , concentrating more on gameplay / environement would be nice.

    Have a lobby between fights where you can move freely and talk to peoples in the street ? All menus and tactical fights makes it a bit heavy i think.

    Second thing, i don't get the mix between the subject and the graphic look and the gameplay style.

    I mean , it's a game about "Tactical" "Street fighting" in a "cute city" with "colorful graphics".. something doesn't fit here.

    People who will seek for a really tactical game will surely be annoyed by the cute and childish style compared to the gameplay.

    People who will seek for a cute game with kids fighting in a "springfield" environment will surely be annoyed by the too many menus and tactical aspects.

    I think there is a design flaw here.

    Sorry if i sound rude, i know it's a huge work, and your game is awesome in many ways. Very pro.

    But i think you can still work on thoses.

    And also, be careful if you want to sell it as a desktop game. Public Demos if they look like the final game can be an harm to you selling.

    Demo is ok as an alpha, if the game gets a full visual remake + content.

    Adding just content to justify pricing when you're on a little indie game is sometimes just not enought. (had some examples here and here)

    Good luck and looking forward to it ! Awesome work

  • Hey , i'm back and i gave your game a little try ! (i haven't play long time but i saw some overall gameplay)

    So , first, i'm not a huge fan of this kind of tactical game. But some will surely do love it.

    And i have to say, the game is very polished, it's beautiful. Art style. Animations, menus, all is looking great.

    Now, i also have a trouble with two three things here.

    First, i find "entering in the game" very complicated. There's tons of options menu, character characteristics to define.

    And maybe it's a bit too much to start with a new player. You'll lose many people here.

    maybe add some tiny battle tutorial at begining ? with already defined characters ? then let the player customize step by step.

    Maybe some features are too much , concentrating more on gameplay / environement would be nice.

    Have a lobby between fights where you can move freely and talk to peoples in the street ? All menus and tactical fights makes it a bit heavy i think.

    Second thing, i don't get the mix between the subject and the graphic look and the gameplay style.

    I mean , it's a game about "Tactical" "Street fighting" in a "cute city" with "colorful graphics".. something doesn't fit here.

    People who will seek for a really tactical game will surely be annoyed by the cute and childish style compared to the gameplay.

    People who will seek for a cute game with kids fighting in a "springfield" environment will surely be annoyed by the too many menus and tactical aspects.

    I think there is a design flaw here.

    Sorry if i sound rude, i know it's a huge work, and your game is awesome in many ways. Very pro.

    But i think you can still work on thoses.

    And also, be careful if you want to sell it as a desktop game. Public Demos if they look like the final game can be an harm to you selling.

    Demo is ok as an alpha, if the game gets a full visual remake + content.

    Adding just content to justify pricing when you're on a little indie game is sometimes just not enought. (had some examples here and here)

    Good luck and looking forward to it ! Awesome work


    You have quite a lot of good feedback.

    And thank you for taking the time to write about it.

  • Finished some stuff. Here are the highlights:

    • Upgraded the AI schematics to allow AI to take account of elemental advantages and affinity. In this new setup, the AI will compute all possible flow of actions of a single turn while taking account of its personality, AI type, movement focus, action type favoritism, target priority, tag team and elemental knowledge to calculate the final value of each flow. After all is calculated within nanoseconds, thanks to all the necessary variables are already inside data tables beforehand, the AI will always choose the flow of actions with the highest value and enact it.
    • Change the existing initiative system which is "roll every character's initiative at the start of each battle" to a new one which is "roll every character's initiative at the start of each round in battle". This make agility boosting and lowering techniques significantly useful in battle for adjusting turns, since initiative is calculated based on agility + initiative dices.
    • Game trailer is being worked on by audiobro. The visuals for it are done.
    • Removed unsupported Linux and Mac build of the demo after being unavailable to troubleshoot some issue that people have with them.
    • New demo uploaded with the top two features added to it.
    • Working on making chapter 1 visual assets.
    • Finished the design for a new character class called Outcast. Specialized in attacks with nasty special effects attached, specially the type that screws both enemies and allies.

    An unhinged person that nobody want to be caught associating with. The strong BO doesn't help either.

  • Woow! There is a good deal of effort put into this game. Points for that!

    The graphics look good and coherent. I'd try this right now if I weren't at work so I will do that once I'm home in 6 hours

  • Alright, time for Mid December Update.

    • New Dialogue Font Changed the old dialogue font, which is 04b03 to PF Tempesta Seven Compressed. Should make the long *** dialogues in the game more readable. Changed the dimension of all dialogue boxes to compensate for the increased size of the font.
    • Dialogue Choices Get Scrolling Functionality Dialogue choices now use the same scrolling functionality that all lists in the game used. About time. This also enable me to use give, theoretically unlimited choices as there is no limit in space.
    • New classes Finished the creation of Dealer and Merchant classes. Dealers are extremely strong when they are packed with items that they can exploit and most of their techniques revolved around item usage. Merchants are very proficient buffers and debuffers that use the power of greed to influence both enemies and allies in amusing ways.
    • New districts Finished three new districts, Maple Tree, Oaksville Central and Truman Hill. Each of these district have their own unique locations and things to offer to the player.
      Oaksville Central - The decaying heart of the city.
    • Chapter 1 still being worked on Finished characterization of the several early important NPCs. Finished creating the early antagonist and his rag-tag gang. Still working on finishing the chapter 1 storyline and resolving the mission paths.
    • Trailer progress The audio is still being worked on.

    Again, for the top two features, an updated demo is already uploaded with those two features in place for demonstration. You can download the demo through the link in the first post of this thread.

    Enjoy yourself.

  • I planned to do a update a bit later than this but finally the trailer has been completed.

    So, without further delay, since the game have past the alpha stage a while back, I have put the game on Steam Greenlight.

    If you like what you seen so far, please take the time to vote for it. Thanks in advance.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Steam Greenlight Page

    To celebrate the completion of the trailer, I have also pushed forward an updated demo, which features:

    • Instead of just skin color selection during randomization of generic characters, I have implemented hair color selection too, instead of just everyone having brown hair.
    • During character creation, the player options are increased by a great deal in selecting appearance due to me unloading every character assets that I have created so far into the demo.
    • Game load instantly instead of having a loading bar during the start of the game. That was because I am preloading the audio assets beforehand. That is stupid and unneeded since the audio assets are right there with the game, not half a world with high ping away. Changed the setup to streaming, as it should originally be.
    • Some small fixes and improvements.

    Currently, the game development will be on hold for a short while so I can make an effort for my game to clear Steam Greenlight.

    This is will be hard since turn based tactics game is pretty niche and the pixel art graphics is not improving my game chances either.

  • It has been a while since I posted an update.

    There are a lot of things changed and improved since the last update.

    You can experience it yourself by downloading the updated demo from the first post.

    Chapter 1 still haven't finished yet due to previous development efforts were shifted to the changes shown in this update.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

  • it amazed me!

  • Looks great! I especially like that art style!

  • Just finished more stuff.

    This is what that have been completed after the last update.

    As usual, the updated demo is available here:

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