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  • that looks really good kaos

    are you an artist as a hobby, a student, or a professional?

    More hobby than anything. To be honest, that was my 2nd real pixel project.... Meaning I've only been working with pixel art for less than a week (at the time of posting that). However, I have been seriously studying art (on my own time, as well as a few classes) so I guess you might classify it as student and hobby

    As for pillow shading... yeah, on the leggings I _sorta_ pillow shaded it, some intentional... some laziness

    Right now im working on my game again (nearly forgot about it >.>) so I may have some better things to show later... maybe.

  • Something I've been working on today. Took me a few hours and was pretty much a challenge to see how much of Construct I've learned.

    Last night I actually kind of thought of trying to make destructible terrain (not deformable)! I know it's simple, but here's the catch. You can draw the level, press enter and it generates it! Pretty interesting and there's probably a much better way to do it, but it was kind of fun.

    First draw the level (with a pen tool created through events):

    <img src="">

    Then hit enter to generate the level:

    <img src="">

    Then Destroy!

    <img src="">

    You can't really see the destroy process through images, but that purple orb drops bombs and which deletes whatever it comes in contact with.

    Here's a more solid preview of the program:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    Right now it was just for fun, but if a multiplayer plugin ever comes out, I have big plans for this (no, not a Gunbound-esque game or anything like TONKS, but remotely similar concept).

    I have two others projects which I'm working on, one which I've been working on for a couple of months (long-term) and another which I started yesterday (to test myself at first, but now I'm turning it into a tower defense game with a twist). The latter is going to be 720p, so I'm going to really focus on getting this high-resolution game somewhere. I'll try to post more screens of them when I progress.

  • Been playing around with the shadow caster and lights etc and finally got something pretty cool working

    (excuse the frame rate, i only have my old laptop to run this on atm, runs great on my pc)

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    Edit - Changed second pic now that i figured out how to make the shadows darker.

  • Placeholder Pawk: The Legend of Something Awesome (Probably a Sword.)

    A game I'm making for's Game Programming Challenge 3 - Indirect Control.

    Its going to be a puzzle RPG that uses your text to control the character, with keywords doing things like changing direction or using items and non-keywords controlling how far you walk or (maybe) how strong of an attack you use.

    The graphics are ugly as hell (thus the title) but I spent most of the time reworking my design and don't have much left for the fun part, figuring out an interactive fiction like parsing system.

  • Cool gameplay idea, MisfitBYTE.

    Good luck!

  • I've just started a new project, again , that is a vertical arcade shooter, but with a mission format and RPG elements.

    Its so pre-Alpha I haven't even come up with a Title for it, its working name is Space Shooter - imaginative hah

    Here's what it looks like so far, lots of time finding and arranging graphics, a short stint in Construct to see how it looks...

    <img src="">

    This image is reduced so it shows fully here in the forum

  • A quick game for the Experimental Gameplay Project rapid prototyping contest for May 2010.

    Theme: High Velocity.

    Game: Type quickly, because the only way Pawk is getting to the safe zone is with your text underfoot. Obstacles will be in your way and some levels will have Buzzwords that must be in your text for it to count.

    I've got seven days, started today (May 4th.) ...and I'm a little obsessed with text controls lately.

  • I've just started a new project, again , that is a vertical arcade shooter, but with a mission format and RPG elements.

    Its so pre-Alpha I haven't even come up with a Title for it, its working name is Space Shooter - imaginative hah

    Here's what it looks like so far, lots of time finding and arranging graphics, a short stint in Construct to see how it looks...

    <img src="">

    This image is reduced so it shows fully here in the forum

    The blue's a wee bit distracting, but besides that it looks pretty sweet.

    Reminds me of Transcendence.

  • We just started on a remake of the old c64 game "Retrograde"

    Screenshots are reduced:

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    Early early screens. Actually its just some testing :- )

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  • A quick game for the Experimental Gameplay Project rapid prototyping contest for May 2010.


    Game: Type quickly, because the only way Pawk is getting to the safe zone is with your text underfoot. Obstacles will be in your way and some levels will have Buzzwords that must be in your text for it to count.

    I've got seven days, started today (May 4th.) ...and I'm a little obsessed with text controls lately.

    This looks like an interesting mechanic: I like it! Did u submit it?

  • xanxion: not so much a fan of the sprite but the background and lighting looks really good!

  • xanxion: not so much a fan of the sprite but the background and lighting looks really good!

    Thanks vinnie, i completely agree, needs so much more work.

    Be sure to check my post in the "your creations" im gonna update some screens soon. With new "sprites" build from 3d models

  • This looks like an interesting mechanic: I like it! Did u submit it?

    I did, though I didn't get the Buzzwords instituted on time so the code is still in there, just nothing from it visible.

    Two very simple levels and your speed changes on the second level (along with the music for a faster pace.)

    I'm trying to work out mentally how to create a level editor to speed creation up, already have an idea of what I'm going to do just need to jot it down to make things a little clearer then start testing. Also have some more game mechanics in mind.

    * Punctuation symbols that, if you hit that key while over the symbol it multiplies your score.

    * Electric platforms that are safe to leap on, but if the typing platform connects with them "Bye Bye." (This idea was originally bombs, but while typing this post it occurred to me that electricity makes more sense with the 'connection' gimmick.)

    * Different heights for the typing platform so its not so linear.

  • I present you: Wing Over Redux!

    Some Info and Screenshots from our new BIG Project!

    Basically Wing Over Redux is a remake from an old PSX Game called "Wing Over".

    You have a plane wich you can upgrade and buy new parts and weapons for. Later ingame you can also buy new Planes. You fight with 3 other Wingmen against the enemy Team wich also consists of 4 Planes. Each Team has a base with 4 Towers.

    The goal? Simple: You need to either shoot down all Enemy Planes or destroy the enemy base to win a round. When you win you get more cash, the more cash you get the better wingmen you can hire and better plane you can buy.

    Wingmen can be given orders via Command System. But before we go any further, here some Screenshots:


    <img src="">

    This is the Player with his Squadron above his own Base.


    <img src="">

    Player has opened the Command Menu via ENTER Button. Minimap becomes a big Map for tactical overview.


    <img src="">

    The Player calls Takeya and now has various orders he can give.


    <img src="">

    At this very moment, the Player ordered his Wingman(girl) to attack the enemy Captain. The Wingman responds.


    <img src="">

    The player had a lock on the Enemy and launched a Missile, but enemy evaded.


    <img src="">

    Both the Player and his Wingman attacked an Escaping Enemy. If an Enemy wants to give up, he releases a white smoke trail. It is deemed dishonorable in the tournament to attack an Enemy that gave up, so the Player looses Respect (in the left corner). As if that wouldn't be enough, a Teammate of the enemy is engaging the player.

    Caught your Attention? If not then see ya at our next game! If so, then read further for Story and Features.


    Wing Over is an Arial Tournament in wich the best of the best fighterpilots compete in order to become the ace of all aces. Your Character (you get to name him the way you want) had a father who was a legendary Ace but dissapeared years ago. During his absence a third world war nearly took place but was prevented by a new State, the State of N.I. (it's fictitious).

    The great world powers are now sick of constantly spending so much money into all of their Aircraft and need to finally get some battle data by having their top Pilots and new Aircraft going through actual combat. The President of N.I. suggests holding a Contest, the Wing Over Tournament, to determine not only what plane is the best, but also to see who is the best pilot on the world.

    YOU have dreamed about winning this tournament since you were a child and now your chance is here to make it come true!


    • Build up your own Team.

    At the beginning of the game when you arrive the Airforce Base, nobody knows you. It's your Mission to gain respect and build up a Team so you can go head on head with the best pilots this world has seen.

    • Fly over 47 Planes!

    In the tournament almost every flight vehicle is allowed. Buy yourself a WW2 Fighter, a ultra modern stealth fighter plane or a Fokker and become the new modern Red Baron!

    You think fighting against a Squadron of High Tech Planes with your little WW1 Plane isn't crazy enough? Then buy a freakin' Rocket Belt and try again! If everything else fails, buy a Stealth Bomber and bomb the enemy base to ashes!

    -Evade with different Counter measures!

    You can buy the traditional flares and double click to quickly release one and shake of that nasty missile! When you got one of the top secret planes, you got an Anti Missile Shield wich activate itself!

    • Manage your team

    You can't just buy stuff for yourself. You must also buy new upgrades, weapons etc. for your team.

    • It's more than just flying

    Apart from the Air Combat, you also need to go around the base and need to constantly eat and drink. If you get a blackout because you didn't eat enough you will loose respect. This also negatively effects your flying skills!

    • Everydays Life

    Go to bars and buy drinks, Plane shops to upgrade your plane and even get a girlfriend! A good relationship gives you a huge bonus and raises your efficiency in the air! (Guns do more damage etc.)


    Okay sounds cool, but what's actually done?

    Okay, we hate to be one of those that talk alot, but offer nothing so I'll be so fair and tell how far we are at the moment.

    Basically everything that has to do with Combat is done so far. Every Plane coded, all Wingmen coded, countermeasures, you name it. Same goes for when you dont eat enough. The game will slow down your plane speed and health.

    Also coded is the girlfriend and Relationship status of the player. IF he has Wingman Nr. 2 as Girlfriend for example, Missiles reload quicker and do more damage etc.

    The thing thats next to be done is the story and actual life on the Base during the rounds. We begun with that yesterday and I think it's safe to say that this game is done 50+%.

    But I don't want to post an even bigger wall of text than there is allready, just thougt I share some of the work we've done so far.

    Plane Graphics done by wonderfull Mr. Bagera, else by us. See yas.

    TL;DR VERSION: Plane Game. Shoot down Enemy Squad or destroy Base to win. Apart from flying you can run around Airforce Base and need to eat and sleep.

  • nice,i guess. Is this game linear? For example,can i get much negative karma and get some bonuses for that? Maybe some persons can join you only if you are negative overall? Yes,i want to play a serious badass )

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