Textbox enter event???

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Forget about default textbox restrictions, you can create sprites atop of the textbox
  • I want user press "enter" and send textbox.text

    but i cant find any textbox enter event

    i've tried Keyboard plguin's keydown

    but not work...

  • are you wanting someone to use the keyboard? to "Enter your name here" and hit the enter key on your keyboard to submit something? I'm just wanting to be sure I understand what you're doing exactly and what you need C2 to do

  • are you wanting someone to use the keyboard? to "Enter your name here" and hit the enter key on your keyboard to submit something? I'm just wanting to be sure I understand what you're doing exactly and what you need C2 to do

    Yes that is what i want

    sorry for my english!

    i dont want user click the "submit" button

  • If u mean like a pop-up box u can do it with layers ...create your box with your text on it and hide ... then when u want to set the text set it in the event of hitting enter ... and add the action of set layer visible ....under system

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  • If u mean like a pop-up box u can do it with layers ...create your box with your text on it and hide ... then when u want to set the text set it in the event of hitting enter ... and add the action of set layer visible ....under system

    no...im not meaning this

  • oh u can use global variables so when u hit enter u equal the text entered to the global variables ..and u use the variable to what ever u want ...make sense ?

  • oh u can use global variables so when u hit enter u equal the text entered to the global variables ..and u use the variable to what ever u want ...make sense ?


    i want to know

    when user focused on textbox and hit enter

    how to detect user "enter"?

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