This software's brilliant! ...
I just tried it, and there's a big space beneath my character...hank you very much. For now, the big space problem is known about but difficult to deal with in c2 without a separate dummy sprite(there are most likely several tutorials using dummy sprites in the tutorials section). An upcoming version of Spriter will let you set collision rectangles which will of course be utilized in the c2 plugin for the main character as well as individual collision checks for any extra boxes you add and animate
So am I to understand we'll eventually be able to tween whole animations? That would be! for now I'll confirm that transition blends between animations are planned for 1.0, and tease that blending between animations is only a tiny hint of what's to come in that area. Anyone who followed my CC experiments from times long past may have a clue where this is going.
Yes, i did. But it's not working :(
It tells me that a scml file was dropped but the brushmonkey appears to be missing T_T
PS: thank you so much for your help :)!
I'm actually pretty puzzled by your situation. At this point, the next step in troubleshooting is for you to zip your c2 folder itself, and send it to me at I don't have much more I can do from here, so I don't find anything obvious going on there, I'm requesting the communities help in troubleshooting your issue.
And finally to everyone, just some general updates. As BluePhaze pointed out (thank you bluephaze :)), the new version is out. Not ETA just yet on when this will hit the C2 plugin - as it requires yet another importer code update by Ashley, who also has C2 itself to work on. Also, I have some overdue documentation to complete, but rest assured this feature will be supported by the plugin.
Some great news is that you can see the beginnings of pose previewing in C2 in the latest version. There's a bug where the y of the pivot points is upside down, but Ashley assures me this is fixed in the next version. Even more exciting, he says he's beginning work on the reimport code as well. I'm not sure this will come in the next version of C2, but it sounds like it may. Very exciting times!