Yes, ofcourse Fullscreen is checked.
It will start in full-screen mode every time, as long as its the first launch. Once ingame, and you exit via double tap of the back button, you exit back to the home screen. The game is still in memory for awhile (Android does that), unless its cleaned using task manager or widgets or memory cleaning apps. A fresh launch always start in immersive mode, while subsequent launches will not (if its still in memory). Not sure why, but it occurs every time on my LG G-Pad 8.3 with Snapdragon S600 SOC.
Anytime the buttons are stuck visible, using the Home button & switching back via the Home/Multi Task menu will fix it.
Android is really messed up, I feel for you guys working on XWalk & XDK.
That doesn't sound normal. The version you published always comes up in full screen immersive for me. Did you use the 'full screen' checkbox in XDK build settings?
> I just compiled Star Nomad with the latest XDK (beta xwalk) and it's amazing, graphics quality onpar with CocoonJS, similar fast performance!
> I noticed something strange, I use scale inner (with browser object calling on start of layout, fullscreen scale inner), and it behaves as if the device buttons are not there but they are visible and block the lower part of the screen (interfering with my UI). However, when i triggered an IAP (using cranberrygame's phonegap plugin), the game suddenly switch to full-screen IMMERSIVE mode, where the buttons aren't visible, you have to swipe from below to bring them up again.
> I wanted to ask if thats normal and whether we can control that.
> Edit: hmm, on subsequent launches it starts default in immersive mode sometimes and sometimes not... what is going on.. ??