Construct 2 - most wanted

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  • I would like a few more small changes, including most of the ideas mentioned before.

    -Sometimes I get lost in my environments and would like to be able to zoom out the layout to get my bearings, especially when working on low-res games, it can be difficult to tell exactly where the frame loaded. So basically I would like a bit more control over moving and viewing the layouts. A zoom feature would help to see how your levels look and get a bearing of how big or small everything is. Being able to zoom in could help you see details that are easily missed, and being able to zoom out would help programmers and designers organize their levels more. (EDIT: I now realize that I can zoom by holding ctrl and using the scroll wheel. =P)

    -THE ANIMATOR ***** SO BAD! You need to give it a really big overhaul. Firstly, maybe a way to set custom colors at the bottom (not sure if you can or can't but I don't know how) and definitely an animation previewer. It is really frustrating to have to keep loading the application just to see how something animates. Fix the small bug in the animator that if you click the up arrow on the color selector when it is at 255, the whole program crashes. Just put a block there. Also, make the boxes in the colored checker grid in the background a full pixel in size. It is confusing when working with retro art, how the boxes in the background don't line up with your art. Overall just make it more user friendly!

    -I would like to see more ways to export games, such as flash, or a different type of internet gaming option, as well as the ability to make games for mac users and the like. All of this has been mentioned already, so I won't repeat it all.

    -There is another small error I've noticed, that Mr. Ksoft mentioned already. In the editor, if you try to click on a group or an event that is near the top or bottom of the screen, nothing happens, and in order to click on it, you need to scroll down first. That should be fixed. Also, the program feels unresponsive at times, because of how long it takes to respond. Like Mr. Ksoft said, make the program feel more responsive and stable.

    -I like the idea of being able to place objects in a type of tiling format. That would really simplify everything. You could just select different tile sets, and set each graphic. Then using a tiling tool to easily place objects would really help everything get done smoothly and about a thousand times faster.

    -I hate the little sprite ribbon on the side, but I love it too. I just wish that it would be easier to manage all of your sprites and the layers they are on. A few features for that that would be nice are: NOT having it always scroll back up to the top every time the order of something is changed; being able to drag objects up or down to easily change what is placed where and what goes in front of or behind something else; the ability to organize it different ways with the click of a button, such as alphabetic mode, or z-order mode, etc. I really like this toolbar but it desperately needs help.

    • I would like some sort of ability to make projects easier to work on by groups. That should include some sort of easy way to copy and paste new objects from different games (or versions of the same game) into each other. I would also like the ablility to split up a game so that different people can work on different aspects of the same game at the same time, then be able to put the two halves (or however many there are) back together again, and have the changes each person made to be saved. Now, only one person can work on a game at a time, and in cases such as my own, where me and Mr. Ksoft are both working on the same game, we have to take turns, and if we don't then one person has to look at the changes the other made, and do it all from scratch on their own copy. It would be easier if one could just copy the changes and add them to the original game.

    I think that's about all I can think of for right now. If I think of more, I'll post more, but keep in mind that a few of the simpler suggestions I made could easily be put into C1 before the final version comes out. (which is what I'm hoping for)

    -Oh and for C2 specifically, there should be an option when starting a new game, the ability to pick what kind of game it will be, from a bunch of different basic styles (platformer, RTS, puzzle, shmupper, etc.) and the new file will start with a few generic but necessary changes, such as the lack of scrolling in puzzle games, or some set of basic event groups for whatever type of game it is. The second choice you should have is the ability to pick whether the game will be in 2D or 3D. That way there will be no confusion about what kinds of objects can be placed and such. I would really like to see cooler 3D games in C2, such as simple FPS's like DOOM and 3D exploration games, or simply the ability to switch to virtual 3D realms to 2D ones easily.

    ... not sure if any of that makes sense or not, I'm pretty tired...

  • These have probably been brought up already but here goes.

    • Improved animator. Someone posted some illustrations of a new animator they had in mind. Yeah it looked a lot like MMF's but who cares; Construct and MMF are already very similar, what's the big deal?
    • Universal Gamepad support
    • Window resizing without interpolation
    • Better sound/music management
    • (Optional?) Tile-based level editor. I would love you guys for this. I've considered switching to GM solely for it's level editor.


    -The ability to lock and unlock single objects in the layout editor

    -Some way to cache objects to keep layout editors clean and simple, aside from throwing objects in another frame and making them global.

  • I don't know if this one is in any of the newer versions past .62, but...

    -Option for exact duplication of a layout, including all events and objects - sometimes you want a layout that's exactly like the one you've already made but with minor differences, and recopying code is inefficient and time-consuming if you have a number of events in the layout you're duplicating.

    This feature is badly needed. There should at least an option to include or not include all events in the duplication.

    • Write plugins in C#. C++ is just tedious compared to C# coding.. at least to me. C# is the wave of the future for Microsoft so if Construct is going to take 4-5 years to develop C# will be enormous at that point. You would get a lot more plugin writers due to the ease of development.
    • Better debugger. Should be able to single step and do other things a typical debugger can do.
    • Better scripting support. Right now scripting seems like an afterthought and the integration isn't all that great. Some simple stuff like allowing someone to check all the boxes, or all libraries in a directory. Should be easy. Add support built in with (Py2exe or pyinstaller) where you can build working binaries with external libraries without having to jump through as many hoops. Hopefully keep Python as the main scripting language cause it rocks!
    • I hate that to work with objects on a layout you have to either physically place them on the layout or put them on another layout and have to make them global to be accessible from events. Should be able to access any object .. for example how GM does it.
  • a possibility to run the game on multiplatform would be great

    since construct is based on DirectX , maybe it's easy to make it land on XBLA?

    though iPad or Mac might be an extravagant hope...

  • A few more:

    List only objects with more than zero instances in alphabetical order in the debugger

    Have some way to set warnings off by default in the debugger or at the very least no warnings for if the number of instances is zero

    Hardware accelerated event sheet editor

    Cue sound files to play one after another - if done with events currently there can be gaps between the sounds, which doesn't work for segments of music

    Dragging expressions from one expression box to another

    Objects appear in event sheet object list if created in event sheet

  • Right now if i understand correctly, objects created doesn't really count as created until the next tick. When i asked you ash i think you told me it had with the fundamental code to do, so can this be changed for construct 2?

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  • Other then that my strongest request (which i still hope will be implemented in construct 1) is better ability to move code and objects between projects without problems. I would like that when you copy a bunch of events, and some object(s) are missing, you get to choose which object should be used as a replacement. I think that's how mmf does it.

    And if you move an object to another project, and there's allready an objet there with the same name, a box pops up and you get to change the name of one object.

  • I assume you mean between projects?

  • Uh.. well...


    That's what i said.

  • Universal Gamepad support. This is like a must.

    Resolution Support. With options that go every which way. Again, should be basic functionality.

    Loading of Objects/Layouts/Scripts. Fun stuff. Like for loading say, characters in a fighting game or something. Or to load bonus content. Or whatever. Maybe a way to 'sign' files so people can't replace them easily with dummies?

    Being able to script as text. I'd really like this one as many tasks would be easier as quick copy and pastes or 'replace all' edits. I know the graphical editor tries to do some of this but it never quite works. Being able to switch from graphical view to text view would rule.

    Palette Support. Come on, we're using PNGs. I understand theres some headaches with the sprites being 2d planes in a 3d space, but that shouldn't be that big of a deal.

    Multiplatform of course.

    Creatable data structures for storing sprites, sounds and the like in descrete little files instead of having a blown open directory laden with spoilers and cheat potential. Also good for working on the same project with multiple people.

    Theres a few other things I'd like (the aiblity to define several collosion masks for example per frame, or more advanced 3d support for backgrounds and effects), but this is the stuff I think is the most important.

  • [quote:3h61ncpd]Being able to script as text. I'd really like this one as many tasks would be easier as quick copy and pastes or 'replace all' edits. I know the graphical editor tries to do some of this but it never quite works. Being able to switch from graphical view to text view would rule.

    Never heard this idea before, but it sounds fantastic!

  • It sounds like the scripting system in Engine001.

  • This is just my 2-cents but:

    Run-time Object, Layer, Event Sheet Loading: I'm not sure if any of you have heard of a fighting game engine called MUGEN (Most people tend to think it's just a game). MUGEN is rather famous on youtube because was centered on custom content, from characters and levels, to even GUI modifications. Almost everything the game was, was user created. Anyway my idea is the ability to not only export entire games through construct, to export individual frames, event sheets, and objects which could be loaded at runtime through an event kinda like this.

    (At Character Select Screen)

    Check {Directory}

    For every .char file

    Add File Name to Ingame List

    (At Fight)

    Start of Frame

    Load Object from {Directory}/{player1char.char}

    Load Object from {Directory}/{player2char.char}

    And something similar could be done with frames, although those would have to be loaded at the end of the last frame.

    And on a secondary note, this would also be nice for the editor. Loading individual frames, objects, and even sheets.

    Event Sheets included with Objects: This might just be my past experiences with MMF2, but I do think this might be a decent idea. MMF2 allowed a feature that let you have event sheets in objects. The feature however was borderline broken last I checked, most of it's usefulness was eliminated by the fact you couldn't include qualifiers (families). If something similar to this were included and did allow families, it would make coding for very object based games alot easier.

    I guess this would kinda go with the previous one though.

    3D:I know I'm gonna get flack for this; but basic 3D camera movement, collision, animation, and maybe even hopefully lighting would be quite nice if possible by 2.0. And it's not like any progress hasn't already been made toward it, construct can already use 3D models (And boxes for awhile), collision and camera are (Somewhat) fake-able at this point, and I do believe I've seen 3D lighting at work somewhere on the site (Or something close, correct me if I'm wrong) and construct isn't even at 1.0 yet.

    Of course Construct has gotten this far, who knows where it'll be when Construct 2 is out.

  • I don't know if this one is in any of the newer versions past .62, but...

    -Option for exact duplication of a layout, including all events and objects - sometimes you want a layout that's exactly like the one you've already made but with minor differences, and recopying code is inefficient and time-consuming if you have a number of events in the layout you're duplicating.

    This feature is badly needed. There should at least an option to include or not include all events in the duplication.

    MrMiller, I believe that option is already there. Right click your layout and select "Clone Layout". Should do the trick.

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