[PLUGIN] Clay.io (leaderboards & achievements)

From the Asset Store
Easy Leaderboard is a simple 3-column (position, name, score) leaderboard with a customizable appearance
  • I was making my way through the integration of paypal and it was bothersome. Wasn't going to support anything but- then I remembered Clay.IO.

    I must say- your documentation is respectable. Glad your service supports Construct 2.

    I posted a question on your forums, Here.


  • Thank you! Responded to the post there

  • Thanks Austin I will check this out and tell you what my results are!

  • Hi austin , how about Clay.io integration with BlackBerry 10 HTML5 WebWorks Games?

    I have discussed with RIM BlackBerry representative, WaterlooErik in this specific forum thread.


    WaterlooErik says:

    "@Austin: I'll admit that I'm not familiar with Clay.io, but I'll give it a look. If you do have any intent to port over to BlackBerry 10, let me know and I'll do my best to provide what support I can."

  • It does for the most part - just trying to figure out some issues it has with Android devices, and scaling of the user interface elements, then it should be good to go.

    You can follow progress here: clay.io/members/community

    The reason you get a black screen is you have to copy over the following files into the .zip Construct 2 generates (you can find them in the Clay.io plugin folder):

    <img src="http://new.tinygrab.com/a160021eefb79ddd27c7a70080cc4ca71e8abc2a88.png" border="0" />

    Ok... I can not find the logo.png or the c2runtime.js file in the Clay.io plugin folder. But I drove one with what I have but, the problem now is the game on my ipad will just freeze on changing to the layout that has the clay.io show leaderboard on layout start. But it works fine on my desktop on google chrome.

    What could be the issue? Can you upload an example file that you know works. Or possibly provide your Clay.io Plugin?

  • Never mind I got it to work thanks Clay for your response and helpfulness!

  • kenli I'm downloading the BlackBerry 10 emulator to try things out - it's not my highest priority, but I'll look into supporting it.

    HappyJackie logo.png isn't necessary, and c2runtime.js is generated when exporting to CocoonJS (not a part of the Clay.io plugin). Does CocoonJS log any errors when the game freezes? Do you have a zip file you can send me to test with the CocoonJS launcher? My email is austinfpt@clay.io

    EDIT: Looks like I had this thread open for over 5 hours before responding, because I only saw your recent post after posting mine :) Good to hear!

    If you post on the Clay.io Community, I'm likely to see the post sooner, but I still periodically check this thread

  • It is working fine for me now. But I still have one more hurdle to work through. Now when I click the link on someones name on the leader boards it brings me to the profile page on the clay.io website. This is great but, there is no way for me to get back to the game afterwards. Is there something that I am missing to fix this issue?

  • I've updated the plugin to open any clicked external links in the web browser rather than the game itself (to prevent that issue).

  • WOW Thanks you are quick!

  • Hmm... I want to create an account on the website but the buttons do nothing?

    Also I tried the test, but nothing happens when I press space either...

    Does it have anything to do with me having a crappy connexion at the moment? (I saw something about a 7sec timeout in a previous page, and yes I do tend to have port 843 error quite often)

  • I just wanted to say thank you to clay.io team. I am usually hesitant to use external plugins unless required to. However after looking over the clay.io plugin I decided what's the harm to just stick it the folder for a quick look over of features in the event and actions....

    I'm impressed. Though there is no active game uploaded it ran with no problems. I'm a pessimestic person about such plugins and assume errors will crop up making implementations a hurdle. I was however mistaken and found that adding features oftens works with only errors being lack of api key at the time. Now I'm looking very much forward to adding achievements and leader boards.

    Which sorta sucks now because I need to work Clay.io into my menu's now I'm looking into a menu page to add clay.io features. Looking very much forward to using Clay.io.

    edit: sorry, number of spelling typo's that had changed the context of the what I was a LOT. going over for fixes. I'm bad a grammar, but usually not that bad :D

  • lemo the bad connection might affect it, try waiting 10 or 15 seconds, then clicking a button and let me know if that works. Do you have a strict firewall? It's possible port 843 is being blocked. I'm working on getting an additional IP address for our server so we can run both the API (websockets) and site (apache) on port 80 so the firewall issue won't be a problem.

    jayderyu thanks for the kind words!

  • Sorry Austin, I appreciate the reply of what I was trying to say, but I said wrong and corrected it :D. It sounds much better now. I think.

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  • jayderyu - is there a question in there? I'm not seeing one ;) But yeah it will more or less work without an API key, but you do need one if you want leaderboards and achievements that work and store correctly. You don't have to upload a game to Clay.io to get that key, you just have to specify the key you want.

    lemo - I got us another IP address and our websockets (connection to the server) go over port 80 right now which isn't going to be blocked by firewalls if that's what the issue was. Does it work now?

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