How do I upload on google play

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  • Hello! I made a game using the free version of Construct 2. I want to upload it on google play to see all the steps involved in making a game and publishing it (it will be free and I will not add any feature to allow ads in the game as I don't have a license yet). I see that most of the examples given about making a game for android involve using Cordova, but I don't have it in my options for export (does it come only when you buy the license?). I would also like to export it for android to test it on my own phone (without using the local network option). So how can I export it for Android without Cordova, or where can I get Cordova from for free? Thank you!

  • Use c3 to import your C2 project and export it.

    There is still 4 days to use all the features of C3 for free during the game jam.

    Excellent to test the export options

  • Use c3 to import your C2 project and export it.

    There is still 4 days to use all the features of C3 for free during the game jam.

    Excellent to test the export options

    I tried but when I want to import the project it says I am missing the CocoonJS Plugin

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Perhaps make a version without the cocoonjs ....

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