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How do I make an slope rotation like sonic style?
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Plz I just want to make a sonic "engine in Construct 3" :,(.

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How do I create Sonic Physics via Construct 3?
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I am trying to create Sonic physics using the Construct 3 engine. I'm not sure how to create it, so I'd like to know how to do it. Any help would be useful. Tha...

posted 4 years ago
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How do i make Sonic Spin
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I'm making this game right, but I have no idea for how to do it, I already tried to use a boolean that checks if I pressed down and that would enable the player...

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How do I add phisycs?
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Here's a video showcasing my Sonic engine, I wanted to know, how could I make the player fall or slip from slopes when they're not fast enough?

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Some slopes for 360 Movement/Sonic- Like
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Trying to make a framework for Sonic game from scrath in C3. Got problem with angle detection on 1 type of slopes. A screenshot with code attached here.

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