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Creating a floating thumbstick
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This demonstration shows how to implement a floating thumbstick in Construct 3. You can find the template here : Contact me on Fiverr if you want further assist...

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How do I make on-screen markers for off-screen sprites?
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I have been trying to do something like show in this image of apex legends. The two names on the bottom left and top right are off screen but it has markers for...

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How do I make a 4 way onscreen joystick shooting?
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So, I want to make a game for mobile, and I want to create the 4 way shooting mechanic, with an on-screen joystick. And have an item that lets me shoot all dire...

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"Is on-screen" condition not working
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I am trying to test the basic functionality of the "is on-screen" condition and its not working as expected. Regardless of whether I can see the object or not,...

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