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If you want to show something and save its state , save a variable , stop show something , show something on start of layout once / first Run ) or whatever you...


If you want to save your game , in different ways most simple to advanced just download the file. All My tutorials here.

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How do I do this through LocalStorage?
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Firstly, I was so used to "WebStorage" in C2, it was just perfect! Now, shifting to C3, I can no longer use it (can I?), so I'm stuck with this frustrating Loca...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I load multiple JSONs with a for each loop?
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In my application I have 2 Array classes - Category and SubCategory. When I create a new entry in the Category, I create a new SubCategory. The Category contain...

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I know this has been explained several times in the forum, but I´m fighting with something for the last two days. The idea is Kids read "customized" stories wit...

posted 5 years ago
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IAP help and combine with Local Storage?
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I'm trying to setup my first non-consumable IAP to the game. At start of layout I run this. And after I check for this. I dont now if this is going to be work b...

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I have a dictionary that gets saved to local storage every X minutes. When the game starts I want it to load the dictionary from local storage if it exists. If...

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How do I Display High Score on Title Screen?
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I recently learned how to save + display high scores (still very new to Construct 3), but can only get it to display correctly in-game and not on the title scre...

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Status on local storage after exporting
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When I'm making a new update to my game and install it as a debug APK on my phone all the local storage will still be there. It seems like the game is just inst...

posted 4 years ago
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Save on suspended
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I'm running an alpha test on my mobile game and few users are having problems with losing their progress when they briefly go to messenger or Facebook or someth...

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