Content tagged javascript

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is a language that is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm.

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Using HTML Text URL to Call Layout
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Can we use a link on HTML Text to call another Layout using Javascript? I need an example for something like this. Thank you.

posted 3 years ago
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Acessing local variables via script
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How do I access a local variable from a group in a piece of script? I can do it with global vars with: Runtime.GlobalVars.Varname; How can I do something simila...

posted 3 years ago
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For my project, I need a vector world map where countries become highlighted based upon conditions set in the game. I found a Javascript library for interactive...

posted 3 years ago
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Hot to get mesh points position?
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You can use IWorldInstance.SetMeshPoint(col, row, opts) to set mesh point position. But what if I want get the point position? I want do something like this: PS...

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My team need to wrap Construct JS inside Angular. Is it possible to create function inside Construct to call external function in Angular that wrap Construct? I...

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Easiest way to get the amount of color used?
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For my drawing game I want to get the amount of ink used of each color to draw the picture. Therefore, after the picture is drawn I take a snapshot of it and ru...

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Map Insert into Game
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I have a Javascript map library (https://www.Cssscript.Com/svg-world-map/) that I want to use in a game, but I'm at a loss as to how to make it happen, and look...

posted 3 years ago
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My C3 Experiments
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Here there are my latest experiments. GitHub. GitHub. Description. GitHub. Description (Patreon - free). GitHub. Description (Patreon - free). GitHub. Descripti...

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How do I embed an external email form?
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I'm planning to add a form by Hubspot at the end of my games where players can submit their email addresses to enter a draw. Hubspot provides me with the HTML s...

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How do I move all object instances with Javascript?
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I'm new to Javascript with Construct 3 so I just want to make sure if I get this right. I have one sprite object in my Layout and its called Enemy. On simple bu...

posted 3 years ago

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