Content tagged construct3

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Programando Inimigos Patrulheiros no Construct 3
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⭐Crie e Monetize 7 Jogos com Construct 3 (de R$95 por R$23): Material da Aula: Acompanhe a Academia Gamer nas redes sociais: Facebook: Instagram: Acesse nosso s...

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Create 8 Mobile Games with Admob Monetization
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⭐Crie 8 Jogos para Android no Construct 3: Acompanhe a Academia Gamer nas redes sociais: Facebook: Instagram: Acesse nosso site.

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How to Make a Cooking Food Game Construct 2 and 3
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In this Tutorial you will learn how to make a cooking food game. The file is attached and commented , enjoy. All my tutorials Here.

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A different take on falling shapes: Creating Tetris
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If you like the falling shapes demo of Scirra, then maybe you can take a look at this alternative. You can get the full template at the Scirra store : Contact m...

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Limit the angle of view for a turret behavior
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This Construct 3 demo shows how to limit the angle of view for a turret behavior. You can download the free template at Contact me on Fiverr if you want further...

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Using external API to create a covid-19 app
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This little demonstration shows the usage of external API's in Construct 3. This is the external API site I use : Contact me on Fiverr if you want further assis...

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Construct 3 Tutorial : Creating snake
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This snake game is created in Construct 3 and is easy to make. You can get the full template at the Scirra store : Contact me on Fiverr if you want further assi...

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How to Make a Scratch Card Game - Lottery Game Construct 3. Hello. In this tutorial ( attached file ) you will learn how to make a scratchCard to put in your ga...

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Timer in milliseconds (using the date plugin)
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This small demonstration shows how to use the date plugin to create a timer that shows milliseconds. It uses the Date.Now() function that replaces unixtime. Con...

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Implementing a roller painter
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This Construct 3 demonstration show how to implement a roller painter using a tilemap. You can get the free template here : Contact me on Fiverr if you want fur...