Content tagged construct3

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Javascript tips collection
25 favourites

This course will gather as many Javascript tips as possible. Note that these tips are meant to be used in Construct 3. This course will not teach you Javascript...


A short course going over some optimisations to use in your code to make it run that much faster. Since C3 has some newly available features, some of these will...


All the things I do on Construct. These can be examples, tutorials, videos, prototypes, plugins, scripts, who knows?

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Construct 3 by example
44 favourites

This course is an overview on how to make certain well known type of games. It provides an insight in the game mechanics and a possible way to implement it usin...

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Construct 3 demo's
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This is a set of video's of the demo's that can be found here :

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Construct 3 Tips & Tricks
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This course is a video series of Construct 3 Tips & Tricks. These Construct 3 gems are clearly explained and give pointers on how to use them in your games.

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Construct for beginners : Explaining the samples
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This video series explains the samples and templates provided by Scirra in further detail. Gain extra insights, and see how the product works at a glance!

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Building a Turn-Based Battle System
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Start from the basics and create a fully functioning turn-based battle system similar to those seen in the Pokemon games. This course will start out with a simp...

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Using Advanced Random
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This brief course gives you an introduction to the three main features of Construct 3's Advanced Random plugin: Noise Generation, Probability Tables and Permuta...

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Learn JavaScript in Construct
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Ever wanted to learn to code? Javascript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world , with a wide range of applications from browsers to serv...