Content tagged capx-example

Develop better games by downloading Construct example games and files to help you learn how to make better games. Example files are a great way to learn game making.

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Make an unlock pattern
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Do you want to make an unlock pattern ? Here it is. All in explained in the capx embeded ;). You can also look at the awesome demo here ;). Enjoy. Please tell m...

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Calibrated ladder climbing
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Calibrated ladder climbing.

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Elliptical Orbit
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Here is a visual example of moving an object in an elliptical motion. Uses sine & cosine, 4 events. Use the sliders to change orbital(ellipse) values. Cheers.

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Simple Toggle Menu
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This is a simple tutorial on how to create a simple toggle menu for your games. First thing we need to create the first sprite that will toggle the rest of the...

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I started doing a capx for 1 random peeps of Scirra community from the "How do I "section, and he wanted to know how to do a shield that reflects bullets, so I...

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Simple and Free Leaderboard API
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While searching I got nugplay and good thing they've Construct 2 plugin readily available. You can use it for leaderboard and achievement. It is very simple to...

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This is a basic bidding system to bid on an ingame item. The provided capx is for beginners who want to know how do the listed events. This Is'nt by any means a...

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Stacking multiple attacks. Combo attacks.
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This example is written to make it possible for a character to execute several attacks (or other actions) consecutivly. I've used it for making my character abl...

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Simple physics explosion
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This tutorial will show you how to make an explosion impulsion effect with physics by just using "Apply impulse at angle" and an (animated) explosion sprite. Th...

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Combo attack stacking without delay!
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After a lot of trial and error (mostly error) I've made this small script that keeps track of how many attacks your character has stacked. The script uses three...

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