Content tagged capx-example

Develop better games by downloading Construct example games and files to help you learn how to make better games. Example files are a great way to learn game making.

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Snells's law of refractive light
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Just set up a quick capx to show how light refracts when it passes through different media. It is possible to quantify by using Snell's law. Snell's law (also k...

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Top Down Jump - The Grasshopper
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Hey everyone! I made this capx example after a request from Anik on Facebook. Anik wanted to know how to make his grasshopper jump from position to position. Tu...

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3d'ish effect
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Ok I have put together a capx to show how you can fake 3d, with scale. I hope this can be of help to anyone who is interested in this kind of effect. If you fin...

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Wall Jump + capx
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Jump on the walls like a frog, the capx download and enjoy.

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Scroll Camera To Mouse (MOBA-esque camera scroll)
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I came up with a simple system that allows the player to see further in front of them by holding shift down, centering the camera between the player's position...

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How To Make Amazing Brick
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In this tutorial, we're gonna make a simple amazing bricks clone. I’ll use “Obstacle” to refer the shorter obstacle, and “Wall” for the two longer obstacles. 1....

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Demos for Beginner
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To those whom are new to Construct 2 are welcome to learn from these Demo I have created. In near future I will add more game example as well. If you would need...

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The possibility of adding a multiplayer component to your game is an exciting prospect indeed! Here are some simple techniques that should help a beginner or no...

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Arrays - Simulate LIFO or FIFO
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After reading the article from hielo777 "10 Mins with Construct 2: Arrays and Text Boxes" and getting confused by what the manual says about arrays I decided to...

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2.5D Forward Flying Space Shooter
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This example is yet again another 2.5D example. Just one of those things I made within a couple minutes after coming up with a neat idea. You're welcome to use...

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