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Dropshadow for sprite. C3 conversion of CHRISROBS C2 Dropshadow effect.
A 2-color linear gradient with an angle.
Access Steam features in the Windows WebView2, macOS WKWebView, and Linux CEF exporters. Requires r407.2+ for Windows, r417+ for macOS, and r412+ for Linux.
Blend solid RGB colors on top of the image.
Allows you to create transitions using any gradient image
Motion Blur w/ x and y directional blur
LinearLight Blend
Beautiful bubbly backgrounds for Construct 3 project
Transforms a sprite into a radial progress
Godrays using light mask, updates here:
csv to array from rex
Deform a quad image within the boundary of an object using relative vertices with the object.
Move object to specific position. I'm not the author of this addon, I just ported it.
Add 3D models with animation using the gltf/glb model format