
  • License MIT License
  • Copyright LonelyDreamer. All rights reserved.


  • Download count1,974 total downloads
  • Latest download count 491 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count2 downloads per day average


  • Stable

    Version R1.00.590

    • Released 13 Jul, 2020

    Suggestions are welcome.

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.551

    • Released 16 Jun, 2020

    A quick change of the hover indent amount in the Projects-pane of the children-treeitem from 3px to 0.85px. (It seemed to much before)

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.550

    • Released 15 Jun, 2020

    -Added timeline to theme.

    -Added editor to the theme.

    -Adjusted fonts overall slightly.

    -Adjusted visuals overall slightly.

    -Changed indent amounts in event-sheets blocks.

    -Changed indent amount and type in the Projects pane.

    -Event-sheets-condition-wrap borders removed, some adjusted.

    -Comment, variable and include nested positions adjusted slightly.

    -Several event-sheet parameter visuals changed.

    -Word wrapping added to expressions dictionary.

    -Margins and padding changed on several pop-up menus.

    -Some other minor stuff.


    -Project-Pane jitters during mouse movement.

    -Sprite animation search-field colour when typing.

    -Expression organisation.

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.318

    • Released 22 May, 2020

    Hot-Fix: A fix within last release [314] that included the disabled events visuals somehow translated over to the Properties panel unintentionally and is now fixed.

    CSS source was condensed and other minor changes have been made.

    Possible future intentions of this theme is to first ensure more changes don't need to be made, following that, adding one or two other colour variations in other releases while including a simple way for anyone to change the overall colour scheme using descriptive names within the CSS file for easy manipulation.

    If you notice something off or bug-related that I haven't picked up on, please let me know.

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.314

    • Released 19 May, 2020

    Overall visuals of the Event-Sheets were slightly altered. Bugs fixed with disabled and hovered events that were not noticed on earlier releases.

    Nav-Pane objects resized and a bug was fixed for sub-folders when they are in great excess within one-another AND simultaneously the Layers/Objects panel is above or below.

    Menu and start-page added to the theme.

    Visual bug fixed on nth row margins in Event-Sheets.

    Effects, Variables, ObjectPicker, Behaviors and Container windows added to the theme.

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.252

    • Released 13 May, 2020

    A custom font called "Hack" was requested for the custom scripting and has been implemented. The font is from: "", with an opensource MIT license: "".

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.251

    • Released 9 May, 2020

    Content hovering features added, changed side menus, tabs, bars.

    Condensed event-sheets, changed Layout colour, added indenting to event texts.

    Changed colour, spacing etc in many places.

    Fixed several bugs with the Layers and Navigation panes', a bug with expanding events and a bug with visual selection.

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.106

    • Released 8 May, 2020

    Changes made to the Event-sheets and Navigational pane for visual ease.

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.055

    • Released 7 May, 2020

    -Tweaked a few areas that made it difficult to navigate, fixed areas that only worked in certain scenarios.

    -Fixed a minor bug in the behaviors and effects property pop-up windows where the icons slightly overlapped after being reduced in size.

    -Fixed other minor issues.

    -Slightly changed events page appearance.

    -Added the text-expand when text is not visible due to column resizing within the events page.

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.004

    • Released 2 Apr, 2020

    change: eventViewer spacing change.

    Right-pane folder color/object indent change.

    bugfix: right-click edit text spacing issue fixed.

  • Stable

    Version R1.00.000

    • Released 2 Apr, 2020

    bug: Right-side pane sub-folder(s) detected as an object rather than a folder until a sub-item is detected due to nesting issue.