

  • Download count1,390 total downloads
  • Latest download count 493 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    {my}: Set skin to {0}

    Set the current skin.

    {my}: Set sub skin to {0}

    Set the current sub skin.

    {my}: Set skin to {0} and sub skin to {1}

    Set the current skin and sub skin.

    {my}: Use default

    Set to use default skin.

    {my}: {0}

    Set hide default skin.

    {my}: Set image point to {0}

    Set image point.

    {my}: {0}

    Set sync mode.

    {my}: Sync z-order: {0}

    Set sync z-order.

    {my}: Update z-order

    Update z-order.

  • Conditions

    Default skin is used

    Tests whether the default skin is currently being used.

    Skin {0} is used

    Tests whether a skin is currently being used.

    Sub skin {0} is used

    Tests whether a sub skin is currently being used.

    Default skin is hidden

    Tests whether the default skin is currently hidden.

  • Expressions


    Returns the current skin.


    Returns the current sub skin.


    Returns the skin base tag.