

  • Download count2,563 total downloads
  • Latest download count 207 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count2 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    Activate achievement {0}

    Activate a Steam achievement.

    Get achievement {0}

    Gets whether the achievement is achieved in getAchievementLastData.

    Clear achievement {0}

    Clear the achievement.

    Get achievement names.

    Get achievement names. Names returned as a CSV string in expression GetAchievementNamesLastData.

    Get number of achievements

    Get number of achievements

  • Conditions

    On activate achievement error

    On activate achievement error. Returns error in expression ActivateAchievementLastErr.

    On activate achievement success

    On activate achievement success.

    On get achievement error

    On get achievement error.

    On get achievement success

    On get achievement success.

    On clear achievement error

    On clear achievement error.

    On clear achievement success

    On clear achievement success.

    On get achievement names success

    On get achievement names success.

    On get achievement names error

    On get achievement names error.

    On get number of achievements error

    On get number of achievements error.

    On get number of achievements success

    On get number of achievements success.

  • Expressions


    Activate achievement last error.


    Get achievement last data. 1=true, 0=false.


    Get achievement last error.


    Clear achievement last error.


    Get achievement names last error.


    Get achievement names last data. A string of names of achievements.


    Get number of achievements last data. Returns a number representing the number of all achievements in the game.


    Get number of achievements last error.


  • Actions

    Activate overlay for {0}

    Activate the Steam game overlay.

  • Conditions

    On overlay activated

    Triggered when the game overlay is shown.

    On overlay deactivated

    Triggered when the game overlay is hidden.

    Is available

    Is available

    Is overlay enabled

    True if the Steam game overlay is currently enabled.

    Is running on Steam Deck

    True if currently running on a Steam Deck device.

  • Expressions


    The language set specifically for the game.


    The language set for the Steam UI.

Cloud File

  • Actions

    Save text to file {0} {1}

    Save text to file.

    Read text from file {0}

    Read text from file.

    Get cloud status

    Get cloud status. Update status of cloud enable, clould enable user and cloud file count.

    Delete file {0}

    Delete file.

    Get cloud quota

    Get cloud quota. Check GetCloudQuotaTotal and GetCloudQuotaAvailable for results.

    Get file name and size {0}

    Get file name and size of index.

    Enable cloud {0}

    Enable cloud.

    Save file to cloud {0}

    Save file to cloud.

  • Conditions

    On save text to file success

    On save text to file success.

    On save text to file error

    On save text to file error.

    On read text from file success

    On read text from file success.

    On read text from file error

    On read text from file error.

    On get cloud status success

    On get cloud status success.

    On get cloud status error

    On get cloud status error.

    Is cloud enabled

    Is clould enabled.

    Is cloud enabled for user

    Is cloud enabled for user.

    On delete file success

    On delete file success.

    On delete file error

    On delete file error.

    On get cloud quota success

    On get cloud quota success.

    On get cloud quota error

    On get cloud quota error.

    On get file name and size success

    On get file name and size success.

    On get file name and size error

    On get file name and size error

    On save file to cloud error

    On save file to cloud error.

    On save file to cloud success

    On save file to cloud success.

  • Expressions


    Read text from file last data.


    Read text from file last error.


    Save text to file last error.


    Get file count.


    Delete file last error.


    Get cloud quota total bytes (uint 64 string.)


    Get cloud quota available bytes (uint 64 string.)


    Get file name and size last error.


    Get file name and size name.


    Get file name and size size.


    Save file to cloud last error.


  • Actions

    Get stat int {0}

    Get stat int. Returns a number representing the value of the user stat in expression GetStatIntLastData.

    Get stat float {0}

    Get stat float. Returns a number representing the value of the user stat in expression GetStatFloatLastData.

    Set stat value {1} with {0}

    Set stat value.

    Store stats

    Stores the current user stats data on the server. Returns game_id in expression StoreStatsLastData.

    Reset all stats {0}

    Reset all stats. Typically used only for development. Set parameter Reset Achievement to '1' to also reset all achievements.

  • Conditions

    On get stat int success

    On get stat int success.

    On get stat int error

    On get stat int error.

    On get stat float success

    On get stat float success.

    On get stat float error

    On get stat float error.

    On set stat success

    On set stat success.

    On set stat error

    On set stat error.

    On store stats success

    On store stats success.

    On store stats error

    On store stats error.

    On reset all stats error

    On reset all stats error.

    On reset all stats success

    On reset all stats success.

  • Expressions


    Get stat int last data.


    Get stat int last error.


    Get stat float last data.


    Get stat float last error.


    Store stats last data. Returns game_id.


    Store stats last error.


  • Actions

    Get is dlc installed {0}

    Get is dlc installed. Returns whether the dlc is installed in expression GetIsDLCInstalledLastData.

    Install DLC {0}

    Install DLC with DLC App ID (integer.)

    Uninstall DLC {0}

    Uninstall DLC with DLC App ID (integer.)

    Get DLC Data By Index {0}

    *WARNING* *Requires updated Greenworks binaries* Get DLC Data By Index. Returns JSON string with data in GetDLCDataByIndexLastData.

    Get DLC Count

    Get DLC Count. Return value in GetDLCountLastData.

  • Conditions

    On get is dlc installed success

    On get is dlc installed success.

    On get is dlc installed error

    On get is dlc installed error.

    On get dlc data by index success

    On get dlc data by index success

    On get dlc data by index error

    On get dlc data by index error

    On get dlc count success

    On get dlc count success

    On get dlc count error

    On get dlc count error

  • Expressions


    Get is dlc installed last data. 1=true, 0=false.


    Get is dlc installed last error.


    GetDlcDataByIndexLastData JSON string with the following data appId: Integer: The APPID of the DLC, available: Boolean: Flag whether the DLC is currently available, name: String: The name of the DLC.


    GetDlcDataByIndexLastError data.


    GetDLCCountLastData, DLC Count.


    GetDLCCountLastErr data.

User Info

  • Expressions


    The current user's Steam screen name.


    The current user's Steam account ID.


    The current user's Steam static account ID.


    The current user's Steam level.


    The current user's Steam static account ID.


    Returns the 2 digit ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format country code which client is running in, e.g "US" or "UK".


  • Actions

    Get Friend {0} Avatar

    Get Friend Avatar. Returns JSON string with, width, height, iamge array in GetFriendAvatarLastData.

  • Conditions

    On get friend avatar success

    On get friend avatar success

  • Expressions


    Get friend avatar last data. JSON string object of RGBA image, width, height, RGBA data array.