Wishy's Forum Posts

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  • I'm using Construct 3 to make certain applications for the raspberry pi 3B+ and an official 7" raspberry pi touchscreen. The apps run on Chromium, a linux port of Chrome.

    One of the apps requires me to go into fullscreen, but the touchscreen is not allowed to push the 'fullscreen button', neither is chromium allowing to go fullscreen on the start of the layout.

    It is however allowed to go fullscreen when a mouse presses the button that triggers the fullscreen event.

    After some research, it appears that this is a security measurement so ads and malicious popups could not fake a screen by going fullscreen on touchevents.

    Error when trying to go fullscreen on start of layout:

    c2runtime.js:29345 Failed to execute 'requestFullscreen' on 'Element': API can only be initiated by a user gesture.[/code:wm36dakz]
    Error when trying to go fullscreen 'on touch'':
    [code:wm36dakz]c2runtime.js:29277 Fullscreen request failed:  Event {isTrusted: true, type: "webkitfullscreenerror", target: html, currentTarget: html, eventPhase: 2, …}bubbles: truecancelBubble: falsecancelable: falsecomposed: falsecurrentTarget: nulldefaultPrevented: falseeventPhase: 0isTrusted: truepath: (3) [html, document, Window]0: html1: document2: Window {stop: ƒ, open: ƒ, alert: ƒ, confirm: ƒ, prompt: ƒ, …}length: 3__proto__: Array(0)returnValue: truesrcElement: htmltarget: htmltimeStamp: 48660.825000000004type: "webkitfullscreenerror"__proto__: Event
    onFullscreenError @ c2runtime.js:29277[/code:wm36dakz]
    Any idea how I could work around this (in construct 3)? I know going fullscreen with a mouse is possible, but the setup of my app has the purpose to be touchscreen only.
  • Yea sorry, forgot to add a check for when it's empty

    So this is what you want?

    Here's the updated version: http://www.wishy.eu/replace.capx

  • an example using rex_hash

    Here is another example after calling an api and getting an error

    What server software are you using?

  • exactly what SNN135 said, here's a capx doing that

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/6zc6witohn1i6 ... .capx?dl=0

  • amazing art, will keep you in mind if I need an artist in the future.

  • Anyone else noticed sound dissapearing when using adColony Rewarded Video?

  • you can save and retrieve some data stored on your own server with the ajax plugin.

  • Ashley Any news on an update for the support of consuming items? Cranberry plugin seems broken too

  • Anyone found a solution on the consumable problem?

    If not, could someone help me make a plugin for this?

    I've been looking into https://developer.android.com/google/pl ... ml#consume but I'm pretty new to creating plugins.

    Will update once I got more

    edit: gonna do some tests later today with Cordova IAP, that plugin has a consume action

    edit 2: no luck so far, the cranberry plugin (cordova-plugin-payment-iap) seems broken, can't consume items.

    edit 3: got everything working so far, not sure how or why, but my previous problem fixed itself

  • any update on the "falling cards" ?

    You can recreate that "bug" by playing on very low fps

  • try using cordova-plugin-ad-admob

  • Hi Wishy. So you've had success with Option 1? Would you mind if I ask you some questions about your experience? I totally understand if you dont want to give away specific numbers, but just answer in general terms?

    -How much do you make from ads versus IAP to remove ads? Do you make more from ads or more from the fee to remove ads?

    -Roughly what % of your players bother to pay to remove ads? Like do most players finish your game in the free version, without bothering to pay to remove ads? Or do you find most of your players actually go ahead and pay the fee to remove ads?

    Thanks, only answer if you feel like sharing

    I haven't had any decent games with 50.000+ downloads yet, so my numbers are not really a good model.

    Every 20-30$ I earn from ads, I earn about 1-2$ from an IAP to remove those ads. Nearly all those games had endless levels so the players don't really 'finish' the game. I'm sure a quality game will earn way more with IAP, in the form of currency or in-game-items.

    But like I said, I don't have any popular games with a lot of dowloads so I can imagine that a good game will earn more from IAP.

    I only recently started experimenting with Rewarded Interstitial Video's too, looking good so far, but I can't give any numbers yet.

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