ScSupaplex's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Hi, my name is Adrian, me and couple of other guys in the team are looking for a graphic artist to finish up one of our projects, and preferably work on next projects as well.

    We are interested in cartoon-ish nicely looking 2d graphics.

    First project to work on would be a Zombie Tower Defense game, we already have some artwork but mostly unfinished.

    So far we've got few zombies, couple of assets and tower sketches. Animation for characters will be taken care of, unless you are willing to do so.

    I can provide a basic sketch of what you would be approximately working on:

    (This is only a sketch, not final work)

    Any further details ill be able to provide only privately through skype or email.

    Payments would be per project, (most of them should be fairly small projects)

    Prefer paying over PayPal.

    Contact info:

    Email: scsupaplex@gmail(dot)com

    Skype: pomstitelsvk

    Please contact me rather over skype or email, instead of here, i might not notice messages or notifications on scirra forums.

  • Ok i see then, so posting a link text is okay.. Alright, its solved then.

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  • Yes i do realize that !

    But here's the thing: If i create a post and put a link there, it says its restricted.

    But AFTER i create a post and edit it, i can freely put a link there, meaning iam sort of bypassing this.

    Unless link means strictly clickable text that redirects you to another site, because as again, i clearly posted a link in my previous post even if i shouldnt be able to ?

  • I did try that, but the green line just moves with it. However big or small i make it, its still there.

  • Hey,

    I've made an object-tiled background, and i've put there a sprite, now the sprite looks like this:

    And when i put it in game it leaves this green line on top of it:

    And now i honestly have no idea whats going on and why is it there, it didnt happen with anything else before, i also checked the sprite couple of times, there is no actual green line up there. I also tried checking it in construct 2 sprite editor, nothing there either, only when i put it in game as tiled background.

    It doesnt happen when i put it there as sprite object.

    So theoretically we can assume that since its "tiled", it automatically starts looping the sprite from the top, but when i try to make it smaller, cut it, resize it, anything i did , it was still there...

    • This might be a construct 2 bug so iam not really sure now.

    I also tried to restart the program and try it all over again couple of times, nothing helped, its also shown when i export project and play it.


  • Thank you all for your offers, i found an artist here :)

  • Hi, iam sorry i wont be able to help you with this, but iam working on HTML5 tower defense and wonder if you would be interested in it.

    PS: Good luck with solving the problem :)

  • Hey, not sure, but definitely seems like a bug..

    When i make a new topic as a new user, iam so far not allowed to post links to sites, but after i create a topic/post, i go to post options-edit and in edit i post the link, and it works, no error no restriction.

    My profile shouldnt be able to do this, right ? :

    evidence ^^

    Although its not hyperlink, its still a link. Unless that doesnt count then..

  • Hi, iam looking for 2D Artist that would supply me with graphical assets for couple of smaller projects.

    Iam willing to pay if the price is reasonable, or we can split the share in form of royalty.

    ( e.g. you get 20% of whatever the game makes, OR you can get far more, until price we agreed on is fully paid, with some bonus to it for taking the risk - this is an possibility as well. )

    Iam looking mainly for cartoon style graphics, pixelated might be good as well.

    Approximate assets that are needed: Animal character/characters (dogs, fishes,) Platforms of grass and clay..

    Backgrounds - Farms, Oceans, and so on..

    Animations for characters, running, jumping etc.

    Its not an actual list of needed things, its just to give you an idea of what iam looking for, kid-friendly sort of sprites.


    Hiring for more than 1 project.

  • Hey, iam interested in your services, if you are still free i would like you to help me with my smaller project.

    But i need a way to contact you, right now it seems iam not even able to send you a PM not sure why.

  • Thanks alot ! It helped ;)

  • Hey, working on a simple platformer and i have a small problem.

    The only control player has is just JUMP.

    Longer the player has button pressed the higher he will jump.

    But if i want to keep jumping i have to release, and then press again when it touches the floor.

    So how do i make it that i can have my mouse button/finger pressed and object will keep jumping whenever it hits the floor without me having to release and press again.


  • 12 posts