PixelByPixel's Forum Posts

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  • abhilash2863

    Thank you ... I just happened to have this question.


    Do you still need help on this problem? If so, I think I have an answer.

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  • alextro


  • alextro

    Please check the edited capx I put here:

    > You should check sprites object in projects tree, put_bomb just a small sprite to set where the mines will be placed. There are some miss calculation in your capx.

    > First based on your sprite size, offset value should be set as 50 not 25. Then evaluating distance retrieved from pythagoras equation: ceil(sqrt(50^2+50^2)) will result 71.


    > here I edited yours: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qqm24kaef5s4s ... .capx?dl=0


    It all went okay and fast.

    I just redownloaded it and played it in debug, and it runs quickly, but still has errors:

    This image has only been cropped, and the code was not altered in any way. I ran the program again, with some random instances having an incorrect inst. var.

  • The program works great, but there are a few kinks.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/vpso173zbga4k ... .capx?dl=0

    There is an action that changes the sprite's frame to the instance variable, and when it is run I get this.

    The problems are circled here:

    The problem seems very random... Maybe construct 2 is conscious.

    (You may need to zoom to 50%-33% to view the whole image. Also, the program runs very slowly. Is it the amount of objects on screen? No, I attempted to make the grid smaller (3 by 3) and it still has lag.)

  • alextro

    I am having trouble discerning what the put_bomb sprite does, and how it is found. I have made my own test to try to replicate the action, but it is not working.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ttr75o5lkb8ya ... .capx?dl=0

    Can you tell what is going wrong?

  • alextro

    Thank you very much! You will be put under the "special thanks" part of my credits (currently only 4 in the entire credits!)

  • This has been troubling me for a while...

    I have a bunch of sprites (A) in a tile formation (20*20 sprites for a total of 400) and I want each instance of this object to count how many sprites (A) are around it, then set an instance variable (A) as that number.

  • 99Instances2Go


    Thank you so much!

    Would you like to beta-test my game (when available, looking at 1-2 weeks)?

    It is a multiplayer version of

     Conway's Game Of Life [/code:z7y7n4i5] ([url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life[/url])
    You don't have to, but the choice is yours. Thank you again.
    In the program that you sent me, what if I wanted the touched object to count how many shapes are around it? Is it a simple addition, or is the code all wrong?
  • Could you please give me a screenshot of [quote:1wb53r53]

    System |Pick instance of objectX at (l_x+loopindex("x")*l_w&,&l_y+loopindex("y")*l_h)[/code:1wb53r53]
     (Is it nth instance, or all instance, or etc?)
    I think I have the wrong Pick Instance for this...  Also it won't let me insert a comma, so I stopped. (It's surrounded by &'s.)
    I understand everything else, and you will be listed in "special thanks" when my program is done. (with the other person who commented on this post)
    Here's what I have so far: 
    The tiles [u]are[/u] objects (sprites).
  • This is great, but the object (a) only "looks" at the instance variables of objects (all) that are to the side of it. I also need objectA to "look" at the inst. var. of objects (all) on its diagonals...

    This has straightened me out a lot. Thank you.

  • I want each object (they are sprites in a tile formation) to find the instance variable of another object (next to it) and act according to the value. How would I do this ?(a great example would be how a tile in minesweeper knows if it has a mine next to it.)

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  • 12 posts