Is it possible to get the remainder of a division using expressions currently in C2 ? If not, would it be possible to add it in the next release ?
Thanks a lot (Ashley) :D
I think using the '%' (percent) operator will give you the remainder. For example 13%3 will give you 1 as remainder.
Thanks abhilash it works!
I should have remembered my old programming lesson about the % operator.. shame on me :)
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How would you go about doing the old Zelda Style of having a heart be four pieces? I have a heart I split up into four animations and can back and forth between them but when I try and do more than one it edits them all. - Will Repost
Why have you posted your unrelated query in a thread that's nearly 4 years old?
You would get a much better response by starting your own thread in the 'How Do I' section.
Thank you ... I just happened to have this question.
Do you still need help on this problem? If so, I think I have an answer.
This is 2 years old,